Module 1 - Certificate in Bible Teaching


CF107 – Creative Bible Study Methods

This course equips students for personal study of the Word of God. Students learn how to study the Bible by book, chapter, paragraph, verse, and word. Other methods taught include biographical, devotional, theological, typological, and topical. Special guidelines for studying Bible poetry and prophecy are presented, and methods of charting and outlining are taught.


CF203 – Bible Teaching Methods

This course examines the methods Jesus used to teach and preach the Gospel. Students are taught how to prepare and present lessons and how to teach and preach the Gospel.


CF302 – Power Principles

Power principles taught in this course will enable you to experience the spiritual power taught in the Bible. This course answers the heart cry of those who have hungered for reality instead of religion. It will move you from being a spectator to a demonstrator of the power of God.


CF309 – Knowing God’s Voice

This course explains how God speaks to man and how to find God’s will for your life. Guidelines are given on knowing the voice of God and determining His will.  The pattern of God’s will and Scriptural examples of how God reveals His will are discussed.


CF504 – How We Got Our Bible

Most Christians understand that the Bible they hold in their hands is the inspired Word of God. Yet very few have a general understanding of the origin of the Bible. The purpose of this class, therefore, is to show the student how the Bible came to be and why it can be accepted as the unerring, authoritative Word of God.

Module 2 - Certificate in Biblical Studies
1CF104 – Old Testament Survey
This survey provides an overview of the Old Testament. Study outlines of each book of the Bible are provided for further development by the student.
2CF105 – New Testament Survey
This survey provides an overview of the New Testament. Study outlines of each book are provided for further development by the student.
3CF106 – Strategies for Spiritual Harvest
This course explain how to expand the vision you have received by sharing with others what you have learned. You will learn how to train laborers for spiritual harvest who will be able to train others also.

CF505 – Bible Introduction 101

The aim of this course is to start with the proposition that belief, or indeed unbelief, cannot be exercised unless there is comprehension of the truth of the Bible. This course will teach the student the truth about the Bible in a summary manner and learn its anatomy and the truth contained in Scripture.


CF516 – The Names of Jesus

To really know God, you must get to know Him by name. The names of God in Scripture are really a self-revelation of God in His nature and attributes. The sheer number of such names and titles in Scripture suggests something of the immensity of God. The Bible identifies more than 700 descriptive names and titles of Jesus Christ. This study will help the student to get to know Jesus Christ more fully by studying several of His key names and titles.

Module 3 - Certificate in Theology


CF506 The Names of the Holy Spirit

To really know God, you must get to know Him by name. The names of God in Scripture are really a self-revelation of God in His nature and attributes. The sheer number of such names and titles in Scripture suggests something of the immensity of God. The Bible identifies more than 700 descriptive names and titles of Jesus Christ. This study will help the student to get to know Jesus Christ more fully by studying several of His key names and titles.


CF510 Pneumatology

The word Pneumatology comes from two Greek words which mean “wind, air, spirit” and “word” – combining to mean “the study of the Holy Spirit.” Pneumatology is the study of God the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity. The student will learn and answer important questions about the Holy Spirit and His work in the life of the believer.


CF519 Biblical Theology

The word “theology” comes from two Greek words, theos meaning “God” and logos meaning “the word about” or “the study of” God as He is revealed in the Scriptures. Simply defined, theology is an in-depth study of the Holy Bible. The student will discover what God has said about Himself, His purposes, His plans, and His promises.


CF518 Manners and Customs

Many passages of Scripture that are hard to understand, are readily explained by a knowledge of the customs and manners of Bible lands. The student will learn the Manners and Customs of Bible Lands.


CF550 – Angels of God

The student will learn the purpose, meaning and rank of angels.


Module 4 - Certificate in Christian Leadership


CF401 – Book Numerical Numbers

This study explains the importance of biblical numerology and provides guidelines for properly interpreting numbers. You will learn the meaning of selected numbers, their prophetic significance, and how to apply what you learn. These foundational studies will equip you to interpret the spiritual meaning of numbers used in scripture and provide the skills necessary for you to continue this fascinating study independently.


CF403 – Covenant of Abraham

A great story–but much more than a story. The student will learn a historical record of the birth of the nation of Israel. More than the story of one man. It is the story of a divine covenant the supernatural promises of God intended to pass from generation to generation, down through the centuries.


CF588 – Christian Leadership – Principles and Practice

Christian leadership is not a mysterious domain for a chosen few with a special gift of wisdom. Even if you have no calling to a biblical office, the principles are available to all. This gives influence in your gifts, with or without titles.


CF589 – Equipping for Leaders

This course deals with leadership which will incorporates both theory and practice in an equal balance and to look at the differences between worldly and Christian philosophies of leadership.


CF590 – Church Leadership 101

This class will help the leader understand what you do and help you be a better, more effective, more understanding and stronger leader.

Module 5 - Certificate in Christian Ministry
1 CF100 – Guide to Intercessory Prayer This course is an introduction to the ministry of intercessory prayer as given in James 5:16, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
2 CF201 – Spiritual Warfare  The entire record of God’s Word, the Bible, describes men and women who faced difficult battles of life. In fact, the Apostle Paul describes life as a combat, conflict, and continual wrestling. This is the spiritual arena of life known as “spiritual warfare”.
3 CF101 – Foundations of Faith This course stresses the importance of proper spiritual foundations for life and ministry by focusing on foundations of the Christian faith identified in Hebrews 6:1: repentance, faith, baptism, laying on of hands, resurrection, and eternal judgment.
4 CF305 – Kingdom Living This course concerns the Kingdom of God.  It introduces the two spiritual kingdoms, their rulers, and residents.  It provides spiritual keys for gaining access to the Kingdom of God and warns of things which result in being cast out of the Kingdom.  The past, present, and future of this Kingdom are examined, Kingdom parables are explained, and its patterns and principles of living are stressed.
5 CF306 – Developing a Biblical World View Three courses explain how to expand the vision you have received by sharing with others what you have learned.  You will learn how to train laborers for spiritual harvest who will be able to train others also.
Module 6 - Certificate in Leadership Development and Spiritual Formation
1 CF204 – Biblical Leadership Principles

A review of Biblical management principles with emphasis on servant leadership, Biblical leaders, and Scriptural strategies for success.
2 CF210 – Healing Ministry

In this course, we are making a careful evaluation of the strategies available to win the war against Satan in the battle for your body. You will learn to do battle for your physical body and to minister these truths to other wounded warriors in God’s army.
3 CF200 – Ministry of the Holy Spirit

This study focuses on the ministry of the Holy Spirit, spiritual fruit, and spiritual gifts. Students are guided in discovery of their own spiritual gifts and position of ministry in the Body of Christ.
4 CF520 – Jail and Prison Ministry

This class provides instruction for every level of involvement: The minimal level of corresponding with an inmate, visiting one-on-one with inmates, Ministering in group worship services, special programs, or Bible studies inside an institution, Assisting inmate’s families, providing post-prison ministry upon an inmate’s release from a penal institution.
5 CF312 – Women – A Biblical Profile

This course summarizes all the Bible teaches regarding women. It is not only a study guide, but a reference tool as it lists all the passages about women and references to all the individual women mentioned in the Word of God.


Module 7 - Certificate in Prayer & Spiritual Ministry


CF300 – Divine Provision

This book, “Divine Provision,” will prepare you personally and your ministry corporately to face what is happening now and what will occur in the future in the financial realm. Your position in the face of the current and impending crises will not be one of weakness, but it will be a stance of strength, faith, and power, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).


CF308 – Battle for the Body

In this course we are making a careful evaluation of the strategies available to win the war against Satan in the battle for your body.  You will learn to do battle for your physical body and to minister these truths to other wounded warriors in God’s army.


CF408 – Prisoner of the Lord

This is a book for those doing time in jail or prison, whether short or lengthy sentences, life without parole, or on death row. It is for inmates, with portions written by and about inmates. It also teaches Christians how to minister to those incarcerated.


CF509 – Confronting Crisis

There are always “some” with a bad report. In fact, there are usually “more” than “some” because we live in a negatively oriented world. The student will learn what to do when you don’t know what to do, using Biblical guidelines drawn from the story of King Jehoshaphat’s battle with enemy forces recorded in 2 Chronicles 20.


CF514 – Strategic Spiritual Warfare

This course will dispel one lie of the enemy right up front. You are not alone in your struggles. The entire record of God’s Word, the Bible, describes men and women who faced difficult battles of life. The student will be given the tools to live a victorious life.

Module 8 - Certificate in Evangelism And Church Planting

CF301 – Management by Objectives 

“Management By Objectives” is a method for conducting Christian ministry in an orderly, effective manner.  It is not enough to just know God’s will for your life and ministry.  You must make definite plans to fulfill your spiritual calling. You must learn to work with God to fulfill His purpose and plans.


CF303 – Methodology of Multiplication 

This course shares Biblical methods of spiritual reproduction which will enable you to multiply in obedience to God’s command.  You will learn how to multiply spiritually as an individual and corporately within the context of the local church.


CF304 – Principals of Environmental Analysis

This course introduces principles of environmental analysis necessary for organizing and mobilizing spiritual resources for evangelizing. This study stresses the importance of environmental analysis in planning strategies to reach the world with the Gospel.


CF310 – Mobilization Methodologies 

This course presents methods (a clearly defined way) of mobilizing believers to achieve spiritual harvest.


CF405 – Leaven Like Evangelism

In this course the student will learn about the mandate given by Jesus to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom and receive instruction on the message to be shared, the messengers of the Gospel, how to communicate the Gospel, and to whom it is to be communicated. The student will also learn many methods of evangelism, with emphasis on those used in New Testament times. Both personal and mass evangelism methods are discussed, with specific instruction on how to deal with difficulties in evangelizing and the follow-up care of new converts.



Module 9 - Certificate in Biblical Preaching


BITH206 – Biblical Preaching 101

This course provides an overview of aspects of biblical preaching, including the development and delivery of biblical sermons.


BITH208 – Fundamentals of Biblical Exegesis

The aim of this course is to develop a working knowledge of the basic skills of biblical interpretation. Students will be introduced to the various skills needed to work with the different types of literature, or genre, found in the Bible as well as matters of context and content. The goal of this course is to help students to become skilled, life-long exegesis of God’s Word.


BPA360 – Ethics and Excellence

Ethics is a set of principles which speak of human character and conduct, of distinction between right and wrong and moral duty and obligation to the community. The principles we have set for ourselves are going to dictate our reaction to every situation that arises, be it at church, on the job, at home with the family, or in a strange place. This course will approach ethics on a scriptural basis.  It will not be too concerned with secular ethics, either traditional or contemporary, except as they relate to Biblical ethics.


BPA370 – Homiletics

The principles and practice of crafting and delivering a biblical sermon will be outlined and demonstrated.


MAB811 – Hermeneutics

This is a short introduction to the science of Hermeneutics. This course seeks to aid the student in his study and understanding of the skills necessary for proper hermeneutics in order to gain an understanding of Scripture.

Module 10 - Certificate in Preaching & Teaching


MIN 223 – Introduction to Homiletics

In this course you will begin by studying the place and purpose of preaching in the church. You will discover examples of preaching in both history and Scripture. Then you will focus on preaching as it relates to you in your preaching ministry.


MAB311 – Basic Hermeneutics

The purpose of this course is to help students read the Bible with increased clarity and understanding. This course seeks to aid the student in his study and understanding of the skills necessary for proper hermeneutics in order to gain an understanding of Scripture.


MIS340 – Comparative Religions

Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices, themes, and impacts (including migration) of the world’s religions.


BITH409 – Biblical Preaching

This course is designed to enable the student to construct an expository sermon based upon the skills of exegesis. In addition, students will gain experience explaining, proving, and applying a biblical passage and delivering a biblical sermon with or without notes.


MAT810 – Apologetics

This course is written to prepare students to give a bold and biblical defense of the Christian hope. It is an aid to the work of evangelism and mission. It is my prayer that it will better equip them to bring every thought captive to Christ, to pull down the strongholds of Satan and to present the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Module 11 - Certificate in Sermon Preparation


BPA370 – Homiletics

The principles and practice of crafting and delivering a biblical sermon will be outlined and demonstrated.


MAM554 – The Art of Sermon Construction

What is the secret of good preaching? A man should not preach at all, unless he has a message. A fondness for talking, a love of display, or a desire for prominence should not be a motive impelling any man to preach. At the back of all really good preaching are a consecrated life, a prepared mind, a gift of utterance and a message to help the souls of men. In “The Art of Sermon Construction”  will teach the student exactly what type of person it takes to be a good preacher, how to prepare a sermon, and how to preach it!


BAB611 – Practical Hermeneutics

The student will be introduced to the science of Bible interpretation.

There are five general objectives for this course on hermeneutics. First, the student will participate in class and study groups. Second, the student will seek to comprehend the basic concepts of hermeneutics. Three, the student will develop hermeneutical and exegetical skills. Fourth, the student will be exposed to proven Biblical interpreters. Finally, the student will show mastery over the basic concepts of hermeneutics.


MAM621- Expository Preaching

Expository preaching—i.e., how to expound, preach, and apply the Bible well is described and demonstrated. The importance of the preacher’s own life is explained. Each aspect of a good sermon, from the introduction, through the proposition and exposition, to the applications and conclusion, is analyzed and made clear. How to prepare and organize a good sermon is examined, different organizational models are presented, and detailed sermon outlines are included. What makes communication persuasive, and the preacher’s style, are discussed.


Module 12 - Certificate in Pastoral Ministry


BICM109 – Preparing for Christian Ministry

This course will help students discover their calling and inspire them to place their God given gifts at the Lord’s disposal. Principles of biblical vision and spiritual leadership are covered so as to help students become powerful servants of the Almighty.


MAM311 – Pastoral Principles Practice

The purpose of this course is for the students to grow in their knowledge of the Scriptural warrant for the Pastoral office and Ministry within the Church.  Drawing from the whole of Scripture, but focusing on the teaching of the Apostle Paul the course aims to furnish the students with a comprehensive overview of the principles and practice of Pastoral Ministry.


MIN 381 – Pastoral Ministry

This course examines the ministry of the pastor in three areas: preparation, responsibilities, and relationships. In the unit on preparation, we study a pastor’s qualifications, devotional life, and personal life. A unit on responsibilities analyzes a pastor’s role in preaching and teaching, worship, pastoral care, leading, training, forming cell groups, and special services. The final unit examines a pastor’s relationships with lay leaders, staff, work, and calling. This is a principle-centered study to lay a lifelong foundation for pastoral ministry.


BITH410 – A Survey of Pastoral Ministry

This course focuses on the essential responsibilities and duties of a pastor in leading and serving a local church congregation, based on the biblical mandates and principles that govern the church’s task in edifying and equipping the saints for service. Students will learn about various aspects of pastoral ministry, including home and hospital visitation, worship, and church ceremonies.


GL543 – Pastors Church Growth and Leadership – Part 1

This course is designed to equip pastors and church leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to foster growth and effective leadership within their congregations, focusing on the practical application of biblical principles and modern leadership strategies. Throughout the course, students will have opportunities to apply the concepts they learn to real-world scenarios and develop practical skills that they can immediately implement in their ministry, ultimately becoming better equipped to lead their congregations towards sustained growth, spiritual maturity, and effective ministry impact in their communities.

Module 13 - Certificate in Pastoral Counseling


BAM323 – Introduction to Christian Counseling

This course provides students with a comprehensive introduction to a theological and psychological model of human development, which can guide their understanding of how individuals grow and change in both healthy and unhealthy ways. Additionally, students will be introduced to a model of the counseling process that will equip them with the necessary tools to effectively help people navigate personal growth and change. Throughout the course, students will have the opportunity to practice and refine basic therapeutic skills, enabling them to apply their knowledge and understanding of human development and the counseling process in practical settings.


BAM416 – Pastoral Theological Counseling

The student is introduced to the basic concepts that are related to pastoral counseling. This will include reflecting on matters related to theology, ministry and counseling.


MAM660 – Counseling and Christianity – Five Approaches

This course explores how five major perspectives on the interface of Christianity and psychology would be applied in a clinical setting. The perspectives covered include the Levels-of-Explanation Approach, the Integration Approach, the Christian Psychology Approach, the Transformational Approach, and the Biblical Counseling Approach.


MAM665 – Foundations for Soul Care – A Christian Psychology Proposal

This course makes a vital contribution to Christian counseling by critically evaluating the dominant paradigms in the field, particularly biblical counseling and integration. This course seeks to move beyond the current impasse by developing a more unified and robustly Christian approach to the care of souls.


BAM675 – Pastoral Counseling

This course examines pastoral ministry in three areas: preparation, responsibilities, and relationships. The unit on preparation focuses on a pastor’s qualifications, devotional life, and personal life. A unit on responsibilities analyzes preaching and teaching, worship, pastoral care, leading, training, forming cell groups, and special services is also included. The final unit examines a pastor’s relationships with lay leaders, staff, work, and calling. This is a principle-centered study to lay a lifelong foundation for the pastoral ministry.

Module 14 - Certificate in Pastoral Care


MIN 180 – Classical Pastoral Care l – Becoming a Minister

This course deals with, “Becoming a Minister,” which explored classic pastoral writings on the calling and work of the minister. It examines the historical role of pastors and religious leaders in providing psychological and spiritual care to individuals grappling with major life crises and transitions. It explores how pastors have long engaged in “soul care”, supporting the health and wellbeing of people navigating profound life experiences.


MIN 280 – Classical Pastoral Care ll – Ministry Through Word and Sacrament

This course examines the historical role of pastors and religious leaders in providing psychological and spiritual care to individuals grappling with major life crises and transitions. It explores how pastors have long engaged in “soul care”, supporting the health and wellbeing of people navigating profound life experiences. The course discusses six principal “arenas of crisis ministries” where pastors have exercised this type of empathetic counsel and guidance.


MIN 380 – Classical Pastoral Care lll – Pastoral Counsel

This course examines the historical role of pastors and religious leaders in providing psychological care and wisdom, long before psychology emerged as a distinct academic and professional discipline. It explores how pastors have grappled with issues of human health, personal well-being, and the life of the soul in ways that foreshadow and resemble modern psychotherapeutic practices.


MIN 480 – Classical Pastoral Care lV – Crisis Ministries

This course examines the historical role of pastors and religious leaders in providing psychological and spiritual care to individuals grappling with major life crises and transitions. It explores how pastors have long engaged in “soul care”, supporting the health and wellbeing of people navigating profound life experiences. The course discusses six principal “arenas of crisis ministries” where pastors have exercised this type of empathetic counsel and guidance.


Module 15 - Certificate in Theological Foundations


BNT106 – Bible Doctrines

This series of lessons is designed especially for the student to establish themselves upon a spiritual foundation. It is so that you would grow into a complete and perfect man or woman in Christ Jesus, unmovable, steadfast, and always abounding in the work of the Lord.


BNT214 – New Testament Studies I

An introduction to the New Testament that examines major themes, broad divisions, key scriptures, major personalities, and the structure and context of each book. Literary and historical backgrounds are also examined.


BPA111 – Foundations of Faith Studies in Learning

As we enter into the study of Foundations of Faith – Studying for Success, the student will learn the importance of how ” Faith is absolutely necessary in studying the Word of God. As students of the Bible, when we read and search the Scriptures, we must do it in faith. Faith allows the anointing to flow and revelation knowledge to come forth.


BPA232 – God’s Authority in the Believer

The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a better grasp on who they are as a Believer. It is also to show that Jesus, unto whom all authority is given by God the Father and His Divine Nature, is then given unto us. Our authority is in Christ.


CED111 – Life Management God’s Way

Every decision we make has an outcome. The decisions we make, not our environment, will determine and shape our destiny. There are thousands of testimonies of men and women who have succeeded in life despite their limitations, poor environment and disadvantages. There are those who have become failures in life in spite of all the advantages they had. This course will the student how to make decisions that will change their lives.

Module 16 - Certificate in Systematic Theology


BTH121 – Systematic Theology I

Systematic Theology is the spiritual study of the God who, through His overwhelming love, has a desire for a family. His nature of unity, as a result, has brought about all of creation as the perfect environment for the a’gape relationship with the children of His family. The intent of this course is to help the student become more familiar with Almighty God.


BTH221 – Systematic Theology II

The Bible is as specific as God obviously chooses to be about the origin or creation of the universe. Apparently God desires that man’s understanding about his beginning in the earth be understood spiritually rather than with point by point natural and physical explanation. Systematic Theology II is the spiritual study of Man, Christ, Angels and Demons.


BTH343 – Systematic Theology III

This course is an overview of the theological areas of Hamartiology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, Eschatology.


BTH454 – Systematic Theology IV

This course is an overview of the theological areas of the Holy Spirit and Healing.

Module 17 - Certificate in Basic Theology


BAB222 – Holy Spirit

This course will explore the work of the Person of the Spirit.  It is an important area of study as the work of the Spirit is vital. He is active in every area of creation and redemption. In salvation, He indwells His Church, bringing the blessings of Christ to His own. It is also a controversial area of study, as people focus solely on the spiritual gifts.


BNT100 – New Testament Survey

This is a brief synopsis of inter-Testamental history or the four hundred (400) silent years from Malachi to Matthew as it concerns the Jews. No study of the Bible is complete that does not take into consideration the events of the four hundred (400) years which elapsed between the Old and New Testaments.


BNT106 – Bible Doctrines

This series of lessons is designed especially for the student to establish themselves upon a spiritual foundation. It is so that you would grow into a complete and perfect man or woman in Christ Jesus, unmovable, steadfast, and always abounding in the work of the Lord.


BTH241 – Intro to Bible theology I

The word “theology” comes from two Greek words, theos meaning “God” and logos meaning “the word about” or “the study of” God as He is revealed in the Scriptures. Simply defined, theology is an in-depth study of the Holy Bible. The student will discover what God has said about Himself, His purposes, His plans, and His promises


BTH252 – Intro to Bible Theology II

The purpose of this course is to give the student an overview of the Bible and to introduce him/her to the study of Theology. We will pick up where we left off in Introduction to Bible Theology I.


Module 18 - Certifcate in Ministry Preparation


BITH206 – Biblical Preaching 101

This course provides an overview of aspects of biblical preaching, including the development and delivery of biblical sermons. Students will learn essential biblical preaching skills, such as exegeting a particular text that is appropriate for sermon preparation. They will also explore the process of finding a focus for the sermon, shaping the form of a sermon in the context of both the text and the local community, and communicating through preaching in a way that shapes the life of the local church. The course aims to equip students with the necessary tools and techniques to effectively craft and deliver biblically-grounded sermons that engage and inspire the congregation.


BNT100 – New Testament Survey

This is a brief synopsis of inter-Testamental history or the four hundred (400) silent years from Malachi to Matthew as it concerns the Jews. No study of the Bible is complete that does not take into consideration the events of the four hundred (400) years which elapsed between the Old and New Testaments.


BNT106 – Bible Doctrines

This series of lessons is designed especially for the student to establish themselves upon a spiritual foundation. It is so that you would grow into a complete and perfect man or woman in Christ Jesus, unmovable, steadfast, and always abounding in the work of the Lord.


BOT111 – Old Testament Survey I

The Bible is Incomplete without the Old Testament. The student will learn how the Old and New Testaments make up the inspired Scriptures. The New Testament was never intended to replace the Old Testament. Instead, the New Testament was given to complement the Old Testament, to complete the story.


BOT122 – Old Testament Survey II

Previously we studied in Old Testament I the beginnings of human history, and the God Who controls it. The student will learn that there are key revelations in the Old Testament, such as to give sense to the New Testament events such as the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ in the Gospels, and the judgments of Revelation.


BPA131 – Prayer I – Types & Necessity

In Matthew 6:9-13, the Lord’s Prayer is not a ritual prayer, but a pattern to follow. We notice that Jesus said we were to pray after a certain manner, not necessarily using certain words. This course will reveal that the model prayer is not a liturgy, or a form of public worship, but a guide to help us cover what is evidently important.


BPA240 – Preparation for Ministry I

This word armorbearer is something virtually unknown to the Body of Christ. God is stirring up men today to be called to be the position of armorbearers to the church leaders. The student will learn what is an armorbearer and what does he do?


BPA250 – Preparation for Ministry II

God sometimes asks us to do something with which we argue. Obedience to God at first would make it easier on us. He knows what He is doing and we do not. This course looks at the Ministry of Helps and the Motivational Gifts.


BPA360 – Ethics and Excellence

This course will approach the study of ethics from a scriptural basis, focusing primarily on biblical principles of right and wrong, moral duty, and ethical obligations to the community. While it may reference secular ethical frameworks as they relate to biblical ethics, the primary emphasis will be on exploring ethics through the lens of Christian faith and practice. The course will delve into the dynamics of ethics, examining the source and driving forces behind human character and conduct. It will consider key Pauline concepts such as justification and sanctification to understand the true motivation and empowerment for obedience in the life of the Christian believer.


MAB811 – Hermeneutics

The purpose of this course is to help students read the Bible with increased clarity and understanding. The Scriptures are God’s Word to us, to His Church, and to all men. They demand our respect and attention. The Scriptures are a unique combining of both human and divine authors.  God’s Word is unique; there is no other book like it. Also, as it was written by men, inspired by the Spirit, it follows the personality, culture, and literary rules of the time in which it was written. A good exegete will understand both of these aspects as he seeks to comprehend God’s message.

Module 19 - Certificate in Christian Ethics


BPA360 – Ethics and Excellence

Ethics is a set of principles which speak of human character and conduct, of distinction between right and wrong and moral duty and obligation to the community. The principles we have set for ourselves are going to dictate our reaction to every situation that arises, be it at church, on the job, at home with the family, or in a strange place. This course will approach ethics on a scriptural basis. It will not be too concerned with secular ethics, either traditional or contemporary, except as they relate to Biblical ethics.


BITH576 – Christian Ethics and Excellence

This course will approach ethics on a scriptural basis. It will not be too concerned with secular ethics, either traditional or contemporary, except as they relate to Biblical ethics.


MAM779 – Effective Leadership
This course will guide you to a greater understanding of the nature of leadership and the principles you can apply to grow as a leader. Such principles become the tools a leader needs to provide effective leadership for the local church. It has been wisely noted that everything rises and falls on leadership. While programs and activities can keep people active and good preaching can maintain their interest, it is leadership that establishes growth, both in the individual and in the church itself. Simply put, church leaders must truly learn how to be effective leaders.


MIN 327 – Church Administration Finance and Law
When people want to start a church, they sometimes run around to see how this church is set up, or how that church is set up. We should go to the Word of God to find out how God wants His Church to be established. This course looks at the many offices, practices and legal standing.

Module 20 - Certificate in Church Administration


BPA260 – Awareness of Church Government

When people want to start a church, they sometimes run around to see how this church is set up, or how that church is set up. We should go to the Word of God to find out how God wants His Church to be established. This course looks at the many offices, practices and legal standing.


MAM914 – Church Membership

This course will explore the biblical foundations and practical implications of church membership from a Christ-centered perspective. Students will examine scriptural passages that provide a basis for the concept of formal church membership, and the importance of committed participation in a local body of believers will be emphasized. The course will also cover the character qualities and commitments expected of church members according to the New Testament, including doctrinal agreement, moral conduct, financial stewardship, and service.


MAM779 – Effective Leadership

This course will guide you to a greater understanding of the nature of leadership and the principles you can apply to grow as a leader. Such principles become the tools a leader needs to provide effective leadership for the local church. It has been wisely noted that everything rises and falls on leadership. While programs and activities can keep people active and good preaching can maintain their interest, it is leadership that establishes growth, both in the individual and in the church itself. Simply put, church leaders must truly learn how to be effective leaders.


MIN 327 – Church Administration Finance and Law

When people want to start a church, they sometimes run around to see how this church is set up, or how that church is set up. We should go to the Word of God to find out how God wants His Church to be established. This course looks at the many offices, practices and legal standing.


Module 21 - Certificate in Prayer & Spiritual Ministry 2


BITH104 – Praying with Power

This course aims to inspire students, equipping them with the courage to pray for the impossible and the persistence to see their prayers through to completion. Participants will explore the fundamental nature, purpose, and power of prayer from a biblical perspective, recognizing the indispensable role of prayer in the life of the believer and the church. Students will study the prayer lives of biblical heroes and models of faith, cultivating practical disciplines and attitudes that foster a thriving prayer life.


BPA111 – Foundations of Faith Studies in Learning

As we enter into the study of Foundations of Faith – Studying for Success, the student will learn the importance of how ” Faith is absolutely necessary in studying the Word of God. As students of the Bible, when we read and search the Scriptures, we must do it in faith. Faith allows the anointing to flow and revelation knowledge to come forth.


BPA131 – Prayer I – Types & Necessity

In Matthew 6:9-13, the Lord’s Prayer is not a ritual prayer, but a pattern to follow. We notice that Jesus said we were to pray after a certain manner, not necessarily using certain words. This course will reveal that the model prayer is not a liturgy, or a form of public worship, but a guide to help us cover what is evidently important.


BPA342 – Prayer II

As Christians, we have often misunderstood or have not understood at all the meaning and significance of prayer.  It is much more than just a model prayer for us; it is the revelation of God’s heart. This course sums up those things that are central to God’s plan for man.

Module 22 - Certificate in Praise & Worship


BPA120 – Praise Life

This course describes the elements necessary for us to obtain joy and strength in our lives; yes, it even holds us in the very Presence of God and His glory. It is called praise. Praise is much more than celebrating, or a prelude to worship on Sunday morning. Praise can, and should, become a lifestyle for the Believer who is serious about becoming a soldier of God, a person who is “kingdom on earth” useful.


MIN717 – Worship Part 1

This course serves as a primer on biblical worship, providing instruction and inspiration for both new believers and seasoned Christians. The overarching goal is to equip participants with a deeper understanding of what it means to worship God in spirit and in truth, preparing them for the eternal worship they will engage in with the Lord. Worship is best learned through the act of worshipping itself, and that is the primary purpose of this study. Rather than simply disseminating information, the course aims to facilitate a personal worship experience that is grounded in a biblical theology of worship. Upon completion, students will be able to define a biblical theology of worship, identify counterfeit forms of worship, summarize the record of worship throughout biblical history, explain and apply biblical elements of worship, lead corporate worship, experience the manifested presence of God, eliminate hindrances to true worship, and develop a worshipful lifestyle as devoted worshippers of God. The course will not only provide instruction but also inspire participants to embrace worship as a central and eternal aspect of their relationship with the Lord.


MIN718 – Worship Part 2

The goal of the course is to equip participants with a deeper understanding of what it means to worship God in spirit and in truth, preparing them for the eternal worship they will engage in with the Lord. Recognizing that worship is best learned through the act of worshiping itself, the primary purpose of this study is to facilitate a personal worship experience that is grounded in a biblical theology of worship, rather than simply disseminating information. Upon completion, students will be able to define a biblical theology of worship, identify counterfeit forms of worship, summarize the record of worship throughout biblical history, explain and apply biblical elements of worship, lead corporate worship, experience the manifested presence of God, eliminate hindrances to true worship, and develop a worshipful lifestyle as devoted worshippers of God. By the end of the course, participants will not only gain valuable instruction, but also be inspired to embrace worship as a central and eternal aspect of their relationship with the Lord.

Module 23 - Certificate in Pauline Epistles


BNT311 – Pauline Epistles I

This course is a study of the ministry and teachings of the Apostle Paul as recorded in the Pauline Epistles. The life setting of each letter is related to Paul’s journeys described in the book of Acts. Special attention is given to the major theological themes of the epistles. Part I covers the Book of Galatians through II Thessalonians.


BNT321 – Romans I

This course will provide an in-depth and exegetical study of the Epistle to the Romans emphasizing its contribution to Christian theology and life.


BNT332 – Romans II

This course will provide an in-depth and exegetical study of the Epistle to the Romans emphasizing its contribution to Christian theology and life


BNT422 – Pauline Epistles II

This course is a study of the ministry and teachings of the Apostle Paul as recorded in the Pauline Epistles. The life setting of each letter is related to Paul’s journeys described in the book of First Corinthians, Second Corinthians, Philemon, First Timothy, Second Timothy, Titus, Philemon.


Module 24 - Certificate in New Testament Studies


BICM207 – New Testament Ecclesiology

This course serves as an introduction to the biblical understanding of the church, exposing students to the nature and governance of the church according to Scripture. The primary objectives are to help participants gain a greater understanding of the biblical view of the church, develop a deeper appreciation for the place of the church in God’s redemptive plan, cultivate a more robust comprehension of the church’s ministry and functions, and become effective mentors and spiritual guides for others. Students will explore the biblical foundations and theological underpinnings of the church, examining its unique identity, purpose, and leadership structures within the broader context of God’s work in the world.


BITH102 – Understanding the New Testament

This course provides an introduction to the New Testament, examining its major themes, broad divisions, key scriptures, significant personalities, as well as the literary and historical backgrounds of each book. By the end of this course, students will be able to give a general outline of the history, primary characters, and core Christian doctrines found in the New Testament.


BNT100 – New Testament Survey

This is a brief synopsis of inter-Testamental history or the four hundred (400) silent years from Malachi to Matthew as it concerns the Jews. No study of the Bible is complete that does not take into consideration the events of the four hundred (400) years which elapsed between the Old and New Testaments.


BNT214 – New Testament Studies I

An introduction to the New Testament that examines major themes, broad divisions, key scriptures, major personalities, and the structure and context of each book. Literary and historical backgrounds are also examined.


BTH351 – New Testament Church History

This course is an overview of the the Christian Church, which includes the past, present and the Church to come, consists of all who believe in Jesus of Nazareth as the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God; who have accepted Him as their personal Savior from sin, and who obey Him as the Christ, the Head of the Kingdom of God on this earth.

Module 25 - Certificate in Old Testament History


BOT111 – Old Testament Survey I

The Bible is Incomplete without the Old Testament. The student will learn how the Old and New Testaments make up the inspired Scriptures. The New Testament was never intended to replace the Old Testament. Instead, the New Testament was given to complement the Old Testament, to complete the story.


BOT121 – Old Testament Studies I

The purpose of this course is to help students read the Bible with increased clarity and understanding. This course seeks to aid the student in his study and understanding of the skills necessary for proper hermeneutics in order to gain an understanding of Scripture.


BOT122 – Old Testament Survey II

Previously we studied in Old Testament I the beginnings of human history, and the God Who controls it. The student will learn that there are key revelations in the Old Testament, such as to give sense to the New Testament events such as the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ in the Gospels, and the judgments of Revelation.


BOT230 – Old Testament Men Women of Faith

This course has as its primary focus the relationship God used in the days of Old Testament History to bring man back into obedience. God is and was and always will be full of faith. He used His faith as the instrument of the creative process through which man came into existence. Faith is the spiritual life-line through which man receives the goodness of God.


BOT232 – Old Testament Studies II

In this course we continue our emphasis on the major themes, key scriptures, and major personalities of each book. Historical and literary backgrounds of the books are covered.


BOT333 – Old Testament III – Books of Poetry

The poetic books are charged with feeling.  These books appeal especially to the human emotions and will.  Because of this fact, they are very persuasive in exhorting and reproving.  The poetical writings deal with problems and experiences common to all mankind. In studying the books of poetry, it is helpful to become acquainted with the various aspects of poetic literature so the language and style of these 5 books will be more intelligible.

Module 26 - Certificate Marriage & Family Studies


BAM209 – Back to Basics – Marriage

At the heart of God’s design for the family, and by extension, a healthy society, is the sacred institution of marriage. According to the biblical model, marriage is intended to be a lifelong covenant relationship between one man and one woman. This divinely ordained union serves as the foundational building block for the family, providing a stable environment for the nurturing of children and the mutual flourishing of the husband and wife. This course deals with the basics of marriage.


BAM317 – Marriage Enrichment

This course will give the student the tools for a successful and long term marriage based on the principle of glorifying God and enjoying Him forever.   It will provide the student with the tools necessary to lead others to happy marriages through Christ.


BAM319 – Marriage Therapy

This course therefore has as its primary focus – the reconstruction phase of a marriage that has encountered troubled waters.  There are two exceptions, where one lesson will focus on enrichment as an ongoing therapeutic process and another lesson will take on a very contemporary issue regarding marriage and place it into the correct therapeutic context.


BIBT617 – Divine Principles of Marriage Course

This course addresses the critical issue of societal degeneration and the underlying cause of human depravity. In a world where divorce, violence, immorality, and dysfunction seem to be on the rise, the answer lies in the fundamental problem of man’s fallen nature, apart from the restraining and transformative power of God’s grace. Ultimately, this introduction sets the stage for a deeper exploration of how a proper understanding of human depravity and the centrality of the family can provide solutions for restoring a degenerating society back to God’s intended order.


Module 27 - Certificate in Christian Counseling


BAM323 – Theological Christian Counseling

This course provides students with a comprehensive framework for understanding and practicing Christian counseling, with the ultimate goal of helping people become conformed to the image of Christ. At the heart of the curriculum is a theologically-grounded and psychologically-informed model of the human person. Students will explore a holistic understanding of human development, examining the factors that contribute to both healthy and unhealthy patterns of growth.


BITH590 – Introduction to Biblical Counseling

The nature and principles of biblical counseling as opposed to humanistic approaches; techniques and theories of counseling; patterns of problem solving; the counselor and counselee relationship; the sufficiency of Scripture.


DCC660 – Counseling and Christianity – Five Approaches

This course explores how five major perspectives on the interface of Christianity and psychology would each actually be applied in a clinical setting. These Five Views include the Levels-of-Explanation Approach, the Integration Approach, the Christian Psychology Approach, the Transformational Approach and the Biblical Counseling Approach.


MAM617 – Introduction to Christian Counseling

This course provides students with an introduction to a theological and psychological model of humans that can guide our understanding of how people develop in either healthy or unhealthy ways. A model of the counseling process that that will guide them in helping people grow, change and practice in basic therapeutic skills

Module 28 - Certificate in Christian Leadership 2


BICM107 – Foundations of Leadership

From Moses to the Lord Jesus, to the Apostles, the Bible is a great text on leadership. Basic principles of leadership and practical insights will be covered from a biblical perspective.


BPA340 – Workings of the 5-fold Ministry

According to Ephesians 4:1, God has placed a call upon every Christian. Each calling carries with it certain characteristics.  Each of these characteristics is in place to help us fulfill God’s purpose in our lives with his character being manifested.


MAM587 – A Leadership Workshop

This leadership outline is designed to help identify some of the most basic principles of church leadership.  These characteristics should be found in all churches, but unfortunately, many of our church leaders lack true leadership skills.  The lack of true leadership prevents the church from moving forward. 


MAM862 – Leadership Development

This course will cover the practical ministry topic of Leadership Development, with a focus on accountable discipleship.  The class is taught in 8 lessons.  The approach of the class material is to look first at the fruit that the average Christian should bear, and then secondly, how to train leaders who will equip the average Christian to bear such fruit.

Module 29 - Certificate in Pastoral Training


BAM180 – Pastors Training Part 1

This course embarks on a journey of introspection and transformation within the context of the Christian church. It eschews the temptation to merely criticize and exacerbate the wounds of the church, instead advocating for a healing approach that addresses its flaws with the intent of nurturing it back to health.


BAM280 – Pastors Training Part 2

Rooted in a deep love for the church and a profound commitment to its restoration, the course challenges Christians to embrace reform and embody the church as envisioned by Christ.


BAM380 – Pastors Training Part 3

This course serves as a clarion call for believers to step out of their comfort zones, confront uncomfortable truths, and rally together in pursuit of genuine change, even if it means facing harsh realities.


BAM111 – Introduction to Pastoral Care – Part 1

This course explores the foundations and practice of pastoral counseling, a discipline that fuses the traditional shepherding role of the Christian minister with the insights of dynamic psychology. Recognizing that counseling is a process of encouraging growth from within, grounded in self-awareness, this course equips students with the knowledge and skills to provide a holistic ministry of care.


BAM211 – Introduction to Pastoral Care – Part 2

This course examines the complementary sources that inform pastoral counseling: the spiritual resources of the Christian faith (pastoral care) and the psychological understanding of the human condition (dynamic psychology). Students will learn how to leverage this fusion of theological and psychological principles to address the emotional, relational, and spiritual needs of those seeking counsel.


Module 30 - Certificate of Chaplaincy


CHAP777 –  Certificate of Chaplaincy

The purpose of this lesson is to present the reader with a basic but comprehensive view of the work and ministry of the chaplain and provide basics insights to Christian Biblical Counseling. The work of the chaplain is often misunderstood within the sphere of ministry, and all too often churches minimize the role the chaplain plays in the lives of people who are experiencing a crisis. Some church leaders liken chaplaincy to a church outreach rather than a ministry appointment, yet in the world of paid chaplaincy and sometimes volunteer chaplaincy the educational and certification requirements are much higher than that required by most church pastorates.

Module 31 - Certificate in Bible Language

BITH506 – Basic Hebrew

Essentials of biblical Hebrew grammar: orthography, morphophonemics, vocabulary; historical developments; readings and exercises.


BITH507 – Hebrew Exegesis

In addition to surveying the contents of the book, the course develops the understanding and skills of exegetical exposition.


BITH551 – Biblical Interpretation

The aim of this course is to develop a working knowledge of the basic skills of biblical interpretation. Students will be introduced to the various skills needed to work with the different types of literature, or genre, found in the Bible as well as matters of context and content. The goal of this course is to help students to become skilled, life-long exegetes of God’s Word.

Module 32 - Certificate in Advance Theology


BITH601 – Contemporary Theology I

This course introduces students to the major movements and thinkers, theologians and philosophers in the Christian tradition since the eighteenth-century Enlightenment, together with an examination of their philosophical backgrounds. Part I: Barth through Tillich. Part II: Vatican II to postmodern theologies.


BITH602 – Contemporary Theology II

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to: Know the major trends in contemporary theologies, understand the presuppositions (philosophical and otherwise) that generate such modern theologies. Recognize and defend against such views, better comprehend orthodox positions through analysis of errant views.


BTH351 – New Testament Church History

This course is an overview of the Christian Church, which includes the past, present and the Church to come, consists of all who believe in Jesus of Nazareth as the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God; who have accepted Him as their personal Savior from sin, and who obey Him as the Christ, the Head of the Kingdom of God on this earth.


MAT623 – Covenant Theology

The purpose of this course is to help students understand the Scriptures, to see the blessings that God has prepared for all those in Christ in the New Covenant. Covenant theology is the most fundamental course that can be studied in any Bible curriculum, touching areas of biblical theology, Systematic theology, and hermeneutics.


Module 33 -Certificate in Church History


BIOT205 – Historical Books

The background information and the major themes of the 12 historical books of the Old Testament are reviewed in greater detail.


BITH200 – Biblical History of Israel

The Bible tells the story of God’s redemptive work in the life and death of Jesus Christ through the human history of the nation of Israel and the early church. This course helps the student pinpoint the place and time of major events in salvation history.


BITH630 – Church History I – From Pentecost to Reformation

In this course, students discover how the Church’s doctrine, faith, and practice developed from Pentecost to the time of the Protestant Reformation.


BITH632 – Reformation History and Theology

The New Testament Church begins with Christ’s incarnation 2000 years ago.  This course explores the Reformation of the church, between the years 1500 to 1650 AD and its impact on church and world history in the subsequent years.  During the Reformation there were many important developments within the church; especially crucial was the church’s growth in the understanding of her nature and mission.  

Module 34 - Certificate in Missions & Church Planting


BICM207 – New Testament Ecclesiology

This course is an introduction to biblical ecclesiology. The student is exposed to the nature and governance of the church according to the Bible.


BICM209 – Introduction to Missiology

“Missio Dei” is the idea that God is actively working to reconcile His creation to Himself through Jesus Christ. This course presents an overview of the theology of missions, as well as current trends in missions.


BICM400 – Church Planting in the 21st Century

Church planting principles and practices studied with the goal of equipping those who have heard the call to start new churches


BITH 105 – Personal Evangelist – Disciple Making

This course is a study of evangelism ministry with special attention paid to the context of a local church setting.

Module 35 - Certificate in Prophetic Ministry


BPR333 – Bible Prophecy

In this course, we seek to introduce the student to God’s real conversation with man. God, as Mother and Father to His children, provides for their needs in this life. He also speaks words of life to them that they might meet the future in His success and victory.


MAM523 – School of the Prophets

This course offers a comprehensive exploration of the prophetic ministry, delving into the biblical foundations, historical developments, and contemporary relevance of the prophetic gift. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the role of prophets in both the Old and New Testaments, as well as the unique dynamics that shape the prophetic office.


MAM650 – Prophetic Manual – For Today’s and Tomorrow’s Prophets

This comprehensive manual establishes a thorough biblical basis for the prophetic ministry, equipping those with the gift of prophecy to effectively serve as the voice of God on earth. The course material develops a multifaceted understanding of revelation, activation, and direct experience within the prophetic realm.


MAM688 – Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry

This course presents an urgent call for the body of Christ to rise up and reclaim the mantle of the prophets in these critical times. Drawing a parallel between the “sons of the prophets” in Elijah’s day and the believers of today, the curriculum emphasizes the need for the church to walk in the same anointing and power demonstrated by the biblical prophets.

The course highlights the stark contrast between the miracles, demonstrations of power, and supernatural works seen throughout the Bible, and the current state of the church, which often struggles to match the transformative impact of Jesus and the early disciples.


MAM689 – Ministering in the Prophetic

This course will teach the student to function in the supernatural, Know God’s voice and distinguish it from other voices in the world, summarize what is taught in the Bible regarding Holy Spirit baptism and spiritual gifts, define and distinguish between the prophetic spirit, the prophetic gift, and the prophetic office, summarize the purposes of prophecy, explain how the prophetic anointing is activated, receive a prophetic word from God, deliver a prophetic word from God, judge prophecies on the basis of scriptural principles, engage in prophetic worship, avoid prophetic pitfalls, explain how to grow in the prophetic ministry, Pass on the mantle of the prophetic anointing to others.

Associate Degree


BAH936 – Biblical Foundation of Mission

The purpose of this course is to attest that in every genre of Scripture exists a foundation of missions. As Ralph Winter said: “The Bible is not the basis of missions; missions is the basis of the Bible.” May you, as the reader, reach that same conclusion after considering these examples from the library of Holy Scripture.


BICM209 – Introduction to Missiology

“Missio Dei” is the idea that God is actively working to reconcile his creation to Himself through Jesus Christ. This course presents an overview of the theology of missions, as well as current trends in missions.


BICM404 – Principles of Church Administration

The purpose of this course is to help each student identify, understand and develop the fundamental skills of church administration and leadership in a Christian setting.


BITH 105 – Personal Evangelist _ Disciple Making

This course will challenge students to commit themselves to the fulfillment of the Great Commission to “go make disciples of all the nations”. A step-by-step guide to disciple making is proposed.


BNT100 – New Testament Survey

This survey provides an overview of the New Testament. Study outlines of each book are provided for further development by the student.


BNT106 – Bible Doctrines

This series of lessons is designed especially for the student to establish themselves upon a spiritual foundation. It is so that you would grow into a complete and perfect man or woman in Christ Jesus, unmovable, steadfast, and always abounding in the work of the Lord.

7BNT214 – New Testament Studies I
An introduction to the New Testament that examines major themes, broad divisions, key scriptures, major personalities, and the structure and context of each book. Literary and historical backgrounds are also examined.

BNT215 – General Epistles

The course provides a close reading of James, I Peter, II Peter, I John, II John, III, and Jude with special attention given to literary, socio-historical and theological understandings of the epistles.


BOT111 – Old Testament Survey I

The Bible is Incomplete without the Old Testament. The student will learn how the Old and New Testaments make up the inspired Scriptures. The New Testament was never intended to replace the Old Testament. Instead, the New Testament was given to complement the Old Testament, to complete the story.


BOT122 – Old Testament Survey II

Previously we studied in Old Testament I the beginnings of human history, and the God Who controls it. The student will learn that there are key revelations in the Old Testament, such as to give sense to the New Testament events such as the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ in the Gospels, and the judgments of Revelation.


BOT230 – Old Testament Men _ Women of Faith

This course has as its primary focus the relationship God used in the days of Old Testament History to bring man back into obedience. God is and was and always will be full of faith. He used His faith as the instrument of the creative process through which man came into existence. Faith is the spiritual life-line through which man receives the goodness of God.


BPA120 – Praise Life

This course describes the elements necessary for us to obtain joy and strength in our lives; yes, it even holds us in the very Presence of God and His glory. It is called praise. Praise is much more than celebrating, or a prelude to worship on Sunday morning. Praise can, and should, become a lifestyle for the Believer who is serious about becoming a soldier of God, a person who is “kingdom on earth” useful.


BPA240 – Preparation for Ministry I

This word armorbearer is something virtually unknown to the Body of Christ. God is stirring up men today to be called to be the position of armorbearers to the church leaders. The student will learn what is an armorbearer and what does he do?


BPA250 – Preparation for Ministry II

God sometimes asks us to do something with which we argue. Obedience to God at first would make it easier on us. He knows what He is doing and we do not. This course looks at the Ministry of Helps and the Motivational Gifts.


BTH241 – Intro to Bible theology I

The word “theology” comes from two Greek words, theos meaning “God” and logos meaning “the word about” or “the study of” God as He is revealed in the Scriptures. Simply defined, theology is an in-depth study of the Holy Bible. The student will discover what God has said about Himself, His purposes, His plans, and His promises


BTH252 – Intro to Bible Theology II

The purpose of this course is to give the student an overview of the Bible and to introduce him/her to the study of Theology. We will pick up where we left off in Introduction to Bible Theology I.


BTH490 – Blood Covenant

There is a blood line that stretches throughout the entire breadth of inspired scripture. From outside the gates of Eden in Genesis 4 to inside the gates of New Jerusalem in Revelations 21:22, the Bible is filled with the importance of the blood with regard to salvation. The blood of Jesus is very dear to Believers everywhere.  Yet most Believers have a very limited understanding of all that has been accomplished by the blood of Jesus.  This course enhances the reader’s understanding and appreciation for the Blood of Jesus.


CED111 – Life Management God’s Way

Every decision we make has an outcome. The decisions we make, not our environment, will determine and shape our destiny. There are thousands of testimonies of men and women who have succeeded in life despite their limitations, poor environment and disadvantages. There are those who have become failures in life in spite of all the advantages they had. This course will the student how to make decisions that will change their lives.


CED211 – Intro to Christian Education

This course provides the student with biblical, historical, and theological foundations of Christian education. The student will be led to explore principles for an effective implementation of education programs in the local church.


MAM311 – Introduction to Christian Counseling

This course serves as an introduction to biblical counseling and helping ministry with special attention given to tough issues that pain today’s generations, the modern-day search for answers, and the biblical basis for a counseling ministry.

1BAM111 – Introduction to Pastoral Care – Part 1
Counseling refers to a process of encouraging growth from within.  It is rooted in a growing awareness of one’s self.  From this should come a less distorted way of seeing persons and relationships and greater courage to accept one’s responsibility to make commitments and decisions. Pastoral counseling represents a fusion of two not altogether discrete sources: pastoral care, i.e. the traditional shepherding function of the Christian minister; and dynamic psychology, which focuses upon the striving aspects of personality as the key to understanding persons. This course introduces the student to Pastoral Counseling as a field within Practical Theology.
2BAM211 – Introduction to Pastoral Care – Part 2
Pastoral care needs to have as its primary focus, the care of all God’s people through the ups and downs of everyday life, the creation of caring environments within which all people can grow and develop to their fullest potential. Mathew 22:37 – 39 reminds one that pastoral counseling points toward a ministry of reconciliation with both God and neighbor. This points toward the uniqueness of Biblically based interventions, in a world where almost every religion exercises pastoral counseling from the perspective of that religion. 
3BAM217 – Introduction to Christian Counseling
Modern counseling has its roots in the spiritual formation practices of the church over the centuries. Christian counselors can draw from the best of modern counseling research, but also have the resources of the word, the Holy Spirit, and the church to guide their cooperation with God in bringing care and healing to hurting people. The ultimate goal of counseling is to help people become conformed to the image of Christ and to display the fruit of the spirit. This course provides students with an introduction to a theological and psychological model of humans that can guide our understanding of how people develop in either healthy or unhealthy ways.
4BIN180 – Classical Pastoral Care l – Becoming a Minister
Pastoral care is that branch of Christian theology that deals with care of persons by pastors. It is pastoral because it pertains to the offices, tasks, and duties of the pastor. It is care because it has charge of, and is deliberately attentive to the spiritual growth and destiny of persons. This course will teach that Pastoral care is analogous to a physician’s care of the body. Since that particular sphere over which one exercises care is the psyche (soul, anima, the animating, enlivening, energizing, motivating spring of human existence without which a body is a corpse), pastoral care is also appropriately called the care of souls.
This course will review the historical Background of the Gospels, the message of the four Gospels, and the Life and ministry of Christ.
6BNT100 – New Testament Survey
This survey provides an overview of the New Testament. Study outlines of each book are provided for further development by the student.
7BNT106 – Bible Doctrines
This series of lessons is designed especially for the student to establish themselves upon a spiritual foundation. It is so that you would grow into a complete and perfect man or woman in Christ Jesus, unmovable, steadfast, and always abounding in the work of the Lord.
8BOT111 – Old Testament Survey I
The Bible is Incomplete without the Old Testament. The student will learn how the Old and New Testaments make up the inspired Scriptures. The New Testament was never intended to replace the Old Testament. Instead, the New Testament was given to complement the Old Testament, to complete the story.
9BOT122 – Old Testament Survey II
Previously we studied in Old Testament I the beginnings of human history, and the God Who controls it. The student will learn that there are key revelations in the Old Testament, such as to give sense to the New Testament events such as the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ in the Gospels, and the judgments of Revelation.
10BOT230 – Old Testament Men _ Women of Faith
This course has as its primary focus the relationship God used in the days of Old Testament History to bring man back into obedience. God is and was and always will be full of faith. He used His faith as the instrument of the creative process through which man came into existence. Faith is the spiritual life-line through which man receives the goodness of God.
11BPA111 – Foundations of Faith Studies in Learning
As we enter into the study of Foundations of Faith – Studying for Success, the student will learn the importance of how ” Faith is absolutely necessary in studying the Word of God. As students of the Bible, when we read and search the Scriptures, we must do it in faith. Faith allows the anointing to flow and revelation knowledge to come forth.
12BPA131 – Prayer I – Types Necessity
In Matthew 6:9-13, the Lord’s Prayer is not a ritual prayer, but a pattern to follow. We notice that Jesus said we were to pray after a certain manner, not necessarily using certain words. This course will reveal that the model prayer is not a liturgy, or a form of public worship, but a guide to help us cover what is evidently important.
13BPA232 – God’s Authority in the Believer
The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a better grasp on who they are as a Believer. It is also to show that Jesus, unto whom all authority is given by God the Father and His Divine Nature, is then given unto us. Our authority is in Christ.
14BPA342 – Prayer II
As Christians, we have often misunderstood or have not understood at all the meaning and significance of prayer.  It is much more than just a model prayer for us; it is the revelation of God’s heart. This course sums up those things that are central to God’s plan for man.
15BTH101 – Obedience
It seems that people can talk about anything as long as it does not involve following a set of laws, rules, and regulations. In the past, obedience was almost always, “Don’t do this!” and “Don’t do that!” This course will show how obedience is the underlying theme of the entire Bible.
16BTH341 – Spiritual Warfare I
This course moves participants beyond the natural world into the realm of the Spirit. Tactics of the enemy are analyzed and strategies of spiritual warfare assuring victory over the principalities and powers of the spirit world are explained. Guidelines for receiving and ministering healing will also be covered.
17BTH490 – Blood Covenant
There is a blood line that stretches throughout the entire breadth of inspired scripture. From outside the gates of Eden in Genesis 4 to inside the gates of New Jerusalem in Revelations 21:22, the Bible is filled with the importance of the blood with regard to salvation. The blood of Jesus is very dear to Believers everywhere.  Yet most Believers have a very limited understanding of all that has been accomplished by the blood of Jesus.  This course enhances the reader’s understanding and appreciation for the Blood of Jesus.
18BTH492 – Christ Our Healer
This course deals with God’s hand of restoration, healing, and the purpose and process of reclaiming everything that was damaged in the fall of Adam.  God has given man an escape from the curse and corruption.  His purpose is an original garden relationship with His beloved man.  The spirit, soul, and body of man are part of His healing work.
19CED111 – Life Management God`s Way
Every decision we make has an outcome. The decisions we make, not our environment, will determine and shape our destiny. There are thousands of testimonies of men and women who have succeeded in life despite their limitations, poor environment and disadvantages. There are those who have become failures in life in spite of all the advantages they had. This course will the student how to make decisions that will change their lives.
20CF107 Creative Bible Study Methods
This course equips students for personal study of the Word of God. Students learn how to study the Bible by book, chapter, paragraph, verse, and word. Other methods taught include biographical, devotional, theological, typological, and topical. Special guidelines for studying Bible poetry and prophecy are presented, and methods of charting and outlining are taught.

Associate Degree


BAH936 – Biblical Foundation of Mission

The purpose of this course is to attest that in every genre of Scripture exists a foundation of missions. As Ralph Winter said: “The Bible is not the basis of missions; missions is the basis of the Bible.” May you, as the reader, reach that same conclusion after considering these examples from the library of Holy Scripture.


BICM209 – Introduction to Missiology

“Missio Dei” is the idea that God is actively working to reconcile his creation to Himself through Jesus Christ. This course presents an overview of the theology of missions, as well as current trends in missions.


BICM404 – Principles of Church Administration

The purpose of this course is to help each student identify, understand and develop the fundamental skills of church administration and leadership in a Christian setting.


BITH 105 – Personal Evangelist _ Disciple Making

This course will challenge students to commit themselves to the fulfillment of the Great Commission to “go make disciples of all the nations”. A step-by-step guide to disciple making is proposed.


BNT100 – New Testament Survey

This survey provides an overview of the New Testament. Study outlines of each book are provided for further development by the student.


BNT106 – Bible Doctrines

This series of lessons is designed especially for the student to establish themselves upon a spiritual foundation. It is so that you would grow into a complete and perfect man or woman in Christ Jesus, unmovable, steadfast, and always abounding in the work of the Lord.

7BNT214 – New Testament Studies I
An introduction to the New Testament that examines major themes, broad divisions, key scriptures, major personalities, and the structure and context of each book. Literary and historical backgrounds are also examined.

BNT215 – General Epistles

The course provides a close reading of James, I Peter, II Peter, I John, II John, III, and Jude with special attention given to literary, socio-historical and theological understandings of the epistles.


BOT111 – Old Testament Survey I

The Bible is Incomplete without the Old Testament. The student will learn how the Old and New Testaments make up the inspired Scriptures. The New Testament was never intended to replace the Old Testament. Instead, the New Testament was given to complement the Old Testament, to complete the story.


BOT122 – Old Testament Survey II

Previously we studied in Old Testament I the beginnings of human history, and the God Who controls it. The student will learn that there are key revelations in the Old Testament, such as to give sense to the New Testament events such as the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ in the Gospels, and the judgments of Revelation.


BOT230 – Old Testament Men _ Women of Faith

This course has as its primary focus the relationship God used in the days of Old Testament History to bring man back into obedience. God is and was and always will be full of faith. He used His faith as the instrument of the creative process through which man came into existence. Faith is the spiritual life-line through which man receives the goodness of God.


BPA120 – Praise Life

This course describes the elements necessary for us to obtain joy and strength in our lives; yes, it even holds us in the very Presence of God and His glory. It is called praise. Praise is much more than celebrating, or a prelude to worship on Sunday morning. Praise can, and should, become a lifestyle for the Believer who is serious about becoming a soldier of God, a person who is “kingdom on earth” useful.


BPA240 – Preparation for Ministry I

This word armorbearer is something virtually unknown to the Body of Christ. God is stirring up men today to be called to be the position of armorbearers to the church leaders. The student will learn what is an armorbearer and what does he do?


BPA250 – Preparation for Ministry II

God sometimes asks us to do something with which we argue. Obedience to God at first would make it easier on us. He knows what He is doing and we do not. This course looks at the Ministry of Helps and the Motivational Gifts.


BTH241 – Intro to Bible theology I

The word “theology” comes from two Greek words, theos meaning “God” and logos meaning “the word about” or “the study of” God as He is revealed in the Scriptures. Simply defined, theology is an in-depth study of the Holy Bible. The student will discover what God has said about Himself, His purposes, His plans, and His promises


BTH252 – Intro to Bible Theology II

The purpose of this course is to give the student an overview of the Bible and to introduce him/her to the study of Theology. We will pick up where we left off in Introduction to Bible Theology I.


BTH490 – Blood Covenant

There is a blood line that stretches throughout the entire breadth of inspired scripture. From outside the gates of Eden in Genesis 4 to inside the gates of New Jerusalem in Revelations 21:22, the Bible is filled with the importance of the blood with regard to salvation. The blood of Jesus is very dear to Believers everywhere.  Yet most Believers have a very limited understanding of all that has been accomplished by the blood of Jesus.  This course enhances the reader’s understanding and appreciation for the Blood of Jesus.


CED111 – Life Management God’s Way

Every decision we make has an outcome. The decisions we make, not our environment, will determine and shape our destiny. There are thousands of testimonies of men and women who have succeeded in life despite their limitations, poor environment and disadvantages. There are those who have become failures in life in spite of all the advantages they had. This course will the student how to make decisions that will change their lives.


CED211 – Intro to Christian Education

This course provides the student with biblical, historical, and theological foundations of Christian education. The student will be led to explore principles for an effective implementation of education programs in the local church.


MAM311 – Introduction to Christian Counseling

This course serves as an introduction to biblical counseling and helping ministry with special attention given to tough issues that pain today’s generations, the modern-day search for answers, and the biblical basis for a counseling ministry.

1BAM111 – Introduction to Pastoral Care – Part 1
Counseling refers to a process of encouraging growth from within.  It is rooted in a growing awareness of one’s self.  From this should come a less distorted way of seeing persons and relationships and greater courage to accept one’s responsibility to make commitments and decisions. Pastoral counseling represents a fusion of two not altogether discrete sources: pastoral care, i.e. the traditional shepherding function of the Christian minister; and dynamic psychology, which focuses upon the striving aspects of personality as the key to understanding persons. This course introduces the student to Pastoral Counseling as a field within Practical Theology.
2BAM211 – Introduction to Pastoral Care – Part 2
Pastoral care needs to have as its primary focus, the care of all God’s people through the ups and downs of everyday life, the creation of caring environments within which all people can grow and develop to their fullest potential. Mathew 22:37 – 39 reminds one that pastoral counseling points toward a ministry of reconciliation with both God and neighbor. This points toward the uniqueness of Biblically based interventions, in a world where almost every religion exercises pastoral counseling from the perspective of that religion. 
3BAM217 – Introduction to Christian Counseling
Modern counseling has its roots in the spiritual formation practices of the church over the centuries. Christian counselors can draw from the best of modern counseling research, but also have the resources of the word, the Holy Spirit, and the church to guide their cooperation with God in bringing care and healing to hurting people. The ultimate goal of counseling is to help people become conformed to the image of Christ and to display the fruit of the spirit. This course provides students with an introduction to a theological and psychological model of humans that can guide our understanding of how people develop in either healthy or unhealthy ways.
4BIN180 – Classical Pastoral Care l – Becoming a Minister
Pastoral care is that branch of Christian theology that deals with care of persons by pastors. It is pastoral because it pertains to the offices, tasks, and duties of the pastor. It is care because it has charge of, and is deliberately attentive to the spiritual growth and destiny of persons. This course will teach that Pastoral care is analogous to a physician’s care of the body. Since that particular sphere over which one exercises care is the psyche (soul, anima, the animating, enlivening, energizing, motivating spring of human existence without which a body is a corpse), pastoral care is also appropriately called the care of souls.
This course will review the historical Background of the Gospels, the message of the four Gospels, and the Life and ministry of Christ.
6BNT100 – New Testament Survey
This survey provides an overview of the New Testament. Study outlines of each book are provided for further development by the student.
7BNT106 – Bible Doctrines
This series of lessons is designed especially for the student to establish themselves upon a spiritual foundation. It is so that you would grow into a complete and perfect man or woman in Christ Jesus, unmovable, steadfast, and always abounding in the work of the Lord.
8BOT111 – Old Testament Survey I
The Bible is Incomplete without the Old Testament. The student will learn how the Old and New Testaments make up the inspired Scriptures. The New Testament was never intended to replace the Old Testament. Instead, the New Testament was given to complement the Old Testament, to complete the story.
9BOT122 – Old Testament Survey II
Previously we studied in Old Testament I the beginnings of human history, and the God Who controls it. The student will learn that there are key revelations in the Old Testament, such as to give sense to the New Testament events such as the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ in the Gospels, and the judgments of Revelation.
10BOT230 – Old Testament Men _ Women of Faith
This course has as its primary focus the relationship God used in the days of Old Testament History to bring man back into obedience. God is and was and always will be full of faith. He used His faith as the instrument of the creative process through which man came into existence. Faith is the spiritual life-line through which man receives the goodness of God.
11BPA111 – Foundations of Faith Studies in Learning
As we enter into the study of Foundations of Faith – Studying for Success, the student will learn the importance of how ” Faith is absolutely necessary in studying the Word of God. As students of the Bible, when we read and search the Scriptures, we must do it in faith. Faith allows the anointing to flow and revelation knowledge to come forth.
12BPA131 – Prayer I – Types Necessity
In Matthew 6:9-13, the Lord’s Prayer is not a ritual prayer, but a pattern to follow. We notice that Jesus said we were to pray after a certain manner, not necessarily using certain words. This course will reveal that the model prayer is not a liturgy, or a form of public worship, but a guide to help us cover what is evidently important.
13BPA232 – God’s Authority in the Believer
The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a better grasp on who they are as a Believer. It is also to show that Jesus, unto whom all authority is given by God the Father and His Divine Nature, is then given unto us. Our authority is in Christ.
14BPA342 – Prayer II
As Christians, we have often misunderstood or have not understood at all the meaning and significance of prayer.  It is much more than just a model prayer for us; it is the revelation of God’s heart. This course sums up those things that are central to God’s plan for man.
15BTH101 – Obedience
It seems that people can talk about anything as long as it does not involve following a set of laws, rules, and regulations. In the past, obedience was almost always, “Don’t do this!” and “Don’t do that!” This course will show how obedience is the underlying theme of the entire Bible.
16BTH341 – Spiritual Warfare I
This course moves participants beyond the natural world into the realm of the Spirit. Tactics of the enemy are analyzed and strategies of spiritual warfare assuring victory over the principalities and powers of the spirit world are explained. Guidelines for receiving and ministering healing will also be covered.
17BTH490 – Blood Covenant
There is a blood line that stretches throughout the entire breadth of inspired scripture. From outside the gates of Eden in Genesis 4 to inside the gates of New Jerusalem in Revelations 21:22, the Bible is filled with the importance of the blood with regard to salvation. The blood of Jesus is very dear to Believers everywhere.  Yet most Believers have a very limited understanding of all that has been accomplished by the blood of Jesus.  This course enhances the reader’s understanding and appreciation for the Blood of Jesus.
18BTH492 – Christ Our Healer
This course deals with God’s hand of restoration, healing, and the purpose and process of reclaiming everything that was damaged in the fall of Adam.  God has given man an escape from the curse and corruption.  His purpose is an original garden relationship with His beloved man.  The spirit, soul, and body of man are part of His healing work.
19CED111 – Life Management God`s Way
Every decision we make has an outcome. The decisions we make, not our environment, will determine and shape our destiny. There are thousands of testimonies of men and women who have succeeded in life despite their limitations, poor environment and disadvantages. There are those who have become failures in life in spite of all the advantages they had. This course will the student how to make decisions that will change their lives.
20CF107 Creative Bible Study Methods
This course equips students for personal study of the Word of God. Students learn how to study the Bible by book, chapter, paragraph, verse, and word. Other methods taught include biographical, devotional, theological, typological, and topical. Special guidelines for studying Bible poetry and prophecy are presented, and methods of charting and outlining are taught.




This course traces the history of the Bible and includes discussions of inspiration, the biblical canon, major manuscripts, textual criticism, early translations, and modern versions.



A survey of the Old Testament. Emphasis is placed on the major themes, key scriptures, and major personalities of each book. Historical and literary backgrounds of the books are covered.



An introduction to the New Testament that examines major themes, broad divisions, key scriptures, major personalities, and the structure and context of each book. Literary and historical backgrounds are also examined.



This course aims at inspiring students; giving them the courage to pray for the impossible and helping them find the persistence to see their prayers to completion.



This course will challenge students to commit themselves to the fulfillment of the Great Commission to “go make disciples of all the nations”. A step-by-step guide to disciple making is proposed.



This course introduces the student to patterns and principles of Kingdom living applicable to life and ministry.



This course will help students discover their calling and inspire them to place their God given gifts at the Lord’s disposal. Principles of biblical vision and spiritual leadership are covered so as to help students become powerful servants of the Almighty.



From Moses to the Lord Jesus, to the Apostles, the Bible is a great text on leadership. Basic principles of leadership and practical insights will be covered from a biblical perspective.



This course stresses the importance of a proper spiritual foundation for life and ministry by providing an overview of Bible doctrines identified in Hebrews 6:1: Repentance, faith, baptism, laying of hands, resurrection, and eternal judgment.



The Bible tells the story of God’s redemptive work in the life and death of Jesus Christ through the human history of the nation of Israel and the early church. This course helps the student pinpoint the place and time of major events in salvation history.



This course provides the student with biblical, historical, and theological foundations of Christian education. The student will be led to explore principles for an effective implementation of education programs in the local church.



This course will review the historical Background of the Gospels, the message of the four Gospels, and the Life and ministry of Christ.



The Pentateuch—Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy are the vital first books in the Bible. Understanding the scope, meaning, and events of these five books is integral to understanding the whole of Scripture that follows.



The background information and the major themes of the 12 historical books of the Old Testament are reviewed in greater detail.



This course provides an overview of aspects of biblical preaching, including the development and delivery of biblical sermons.



Basic models of church government which have developed over the course of church history are presents. The student will be exposed to the biblical, historical, and theological underpinning of each church governance tradition.



This course teaches students how to carefully read Scripture in the biblical context, and to dig deeper into the Word of God so they will be able to understand the Bible correctly and apply its meaning to their lives and ministries.



“Missio Dei” is the idea that God is actively working to reconcile his creation to Himself through Jesus Christ. This course presents an overview of the theology of missions, as well as current trends in missions.



The book of Acts, also referred to as the “Acts of the Apostles” or the “Acts of the Holy Spirit”, presents the exciting story of the beginning of the church. Through a rigorous exposition of the book of Acts, students gain a greater understanding and appreciation of the early disciples’ commitment to the fulfillment of the Great Commission.



The poetic books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon are covered in detail. Historical Background information and theological themes of each book are outlined



This course is a study of the ministry and teachings of the Apostle Paul as recorded in the Pauline Epistles. The life setting of each letter is related to Paul’s journeys described in the book of Acts. Special attention is given to the major theological themes of the epistles. Part I covers the Book of Galatians through II Thessalonians.



This course will provide an in-depth and exegetical study of the Epistle to the Romans emphasizing its contribution to Christian theology and life.



This course is an overview of the theological areas of prolegomena, revelation, theology proper, anthropology, and Christology.



This is an overview of the theological areas of anthropology, Christology, and pneumatology.



This course is an overview of how the Church’s doctrine, faith, and practice developed from Pentecost to the time of the Protestant Reformation.



This course moves participants beyond the natural world into the realm of the Spirit. Tactics of the enemy are analyzed and strategies of spiritual warfare assuring victory over the principalities and powers of the spirit world are explained. Guidelines for receiving and ministering healing will also be covered.



This course is designed to help students gain greater confidence and competence in the actual practice of those ministry skills that will be needed in the student’s anticipated ministry role. Mentoring is provided through both individual meetings with an experienced practitioner and peer ministry reflection groups.



This course will provide the student with an overview of the theology, theory, and practice of a church-planting ministry. Special attention will be given to a model of evangelism for church planting, to the Pauline cycle, and to contemporary models of church planting.



This course is an overview of the theological areas of soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology.



The course provides a close reading of James, I Peter, II Peter, I John, II John, III, and Jude with special attention given to literary, socio-historical and theological understandings of the epistles.



The purpose of this course is to help each student identify, understand and develop the fundamental skills of church administration and leadership in a Christian setting.



This course is a study of the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel and Daniel. Historical Background information and theological themes of each book are outlined.



This course is a study of the books of Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. Historical Background information and theological themes of each book are outlined.



This course is a detailed study of the Epistle to the Hebrews.



The principles and practice of crafting and delivering a biblical sermon will be outlined and demonstrated.



The Biblical mandates and principles governing the task of the church in edifying and equipping the saints for service; home and hospital visitation; worship; and church ceremonies.


CF506 – The Names of the Holy Spirit

To really know God, you must get to know Him by name. The names of God in Scripture are really a self-revelation of God in His nature and attributes. The sheer number of such names and titles in Scripture suggests something of the immensity of God. The Bible identifies more than 700 descriptive names and titles of Jesus Christ. This study will help the student to get to know Jesus Christ more fully by studying several of His key names and titles.



This course will dispel one lie of the enemy right up front. You are not alone in your struggles. The entire record of God’s Word, the Bible, describes men and women who faced difficult battles of life. The student will be given the tools to live a victorious life.



This class will help the leader understand what you do and help you be a better, more effective, more understanding and stronger leader.



Most Christians understand that the Bible they hold in their hands is the inspired Word of God. Yet very few have a general understanding of the origin of the Bible. The purpose of this class, therefore, is to show the student how the Bible came to be and why it can be accepted as the unerring, authoritative Word of God.



An introduction to the New Testament that examines major themes, broad divisions, key scriptures, major personalities, and the structure and context of each book. Literary and historical backgrounds are also examined.



This course stresses the importance of a proper spiritual foundation for life and ministry by providing an overview of Bible doctrines identified in Hebrews 6:1: Repentance, faith, baptism, laying of hands, resurrection, and eternal judgment.



From Moses to the Lord Jesus, to the Apostles, the Bible is a great text on leadership. Basic principles of leadership and practical insights will be covered from a biblical perspective.



The Bible tells the story of God’s redemptive work in the life and death of Jesus Christ through the human history of the nation of Israel and the early church. This course helps the student pinpoint the place and time of major events in salvation history



The book of Acts, also referred to as the “Acts of the Apostles” or the “Acts of the Holy Spirit”, presents the exciting story of the beginning of the church. Through a rigorous exposition of the book of Acts, students gain a greater understanding and appreciation of the early disciples’ commitment to the fulfillment of the Great Commission.



The poetic books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon are covered in detail. Historical Background information and theological themes of each book are outlined.



This course is a study of the ministry and teachings of the Apostle Paul as recorded in the Pauline Epistles. The life setting of each letter is related to Paul’s journeys described in the book of Acts. Special attention is given to the major theological themes of the epistles. Part I covers the Book of Galatians through II Thessalonians.



This course is designed to help students gain greater confidence and competence in the actual practice of those ministry skills that will be needed in the student’s anticipated ministry role. Mentoring is provided through both individual meetings with an experienced practitioner and peer ministry reflection groups.



This course will provide an in-depth and exegetical study of the Epistle to the Romans emphasizing its contribution to Christian theology and life.



This course is an overview of the theological areas of prolegomena, revelation, theology proper, anthropology, and Christology.



This is an overview of the theological areas of anthropology, Christology, and pneumatology.



This course is an overview of how the Church’s doctrine, faith, and practice developed from Pentecost to the time of the Protestant Reformation.



The Biblical mandates and principles governing the task of the church in edifying and equipping the saints for service; home and hospital visitation; worship; and church ceremonies.



This course moves participants beyond the natural world into the realm of the Spirit. Tactics of the enemy are analyzed and strategies of spiritual warfare assuring victory over the principalities and powers of the spirit world are explained. Guidelines for receiving and ministering healing will also be covered.



This course is a study of the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel and Daniel. Historical Background information and theological themes of each book are outlined.



This course is a study of the books of Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. Historical Background information and theological themes of each book are outlined.



The course provides a close reading of James, I Peter, II Peter, I John, II John, III, and Jude with special attention given to literary, socio-historical and theological understandings of the epistles.



The purpose of this course is to help each student identify, understand and develop the fundamental skills of church administration and leadership in a Christian setting.



This course is a detailed study of the Epistle to the Hebrews.



The principles and practice of crafting and delivering a biblical sermon will be outlined and demonstrated.



This course traces the history of the Bible and includes discussions of inspiration, the biblical canon, major manuscripts, textual criticism, early translations, and modern versions.



A survey of the Old Testament. Emphasis is placed on the major themes, key scriptures, and major personalities of each book. Historical and literary backgrounds of the books are covered.



This course aims at inspiring students; giving them the courage to pray for the impossible and helping them find the persistence to see their prayers to completion.



This course will help students discover their calling and inspire them to place their God given gifts at the Lord’s disposal. Principles of biblical vision and spiritual leadership are covered so as to help students become powerful servants of the Almighty.



The Bible tells the story of God’s redemptive work in the life and death of Jesus Christ through the human history of the nation of Israel and the early church. This course helps the student pinpoint the place and time of major events in salvation history.



This course provides the student with biblical, historical, and theological foundations of Christian education. The student will be led to explore principles for an effective implementation of education programs in the local church.



This course will review the historical Background of the Gospels, the message of the four Gospels, and the Life and ministry of Christ.



The Pentateuch—Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy—are the vital first books in the Bible. Understanding the scope, meaning, and events of these five books is integral to understanding the whole of Scripture that follows.



The background information and the major themes of the 12 historical books of the Old Testament are reviewed in greater detail.



This course provides an overview of aspects of biblical preaching, including the development and delivery of biblical sermons.



This course teaches students how to carefully read Scripture in the biblical context, and to dig deeper into the Word of God so they will be able to understand the Bible correctly and apply its meaning to their lives and ministries.



The book of Acts, also referred to as the “Acts of the Apostles” or the “Acts of the Holy Spirit”, presents the exciting story of the beginning of the church. Through a rigorous exposition of the book of Acts, students gain a greater understanding and appreciation of the early disciples’ commitment to the fulfillment of the Great Commission.



This course will provide an in-depth and exegetical study of the Epistle to the Romans emphasizing its contribution to Christian theology and life.



This course is an overview of the theological areas of prolegomena, revelation, theology proper, anthropology, and Christology.



This is an overview of the theological areas of anthropology, Christology, and pneumatology.



This course is an overview of how the Church’s doctrine, faith, and practice developed from Pentecost to the time of the Protestant Reformation.



This course will provide the student with an overview of the theology, theory, and practice of a church-planting ministry. Special attention will be given to a model of evangelism for church planting, to the Pauline cycle, and to contemporary models of church planting.



The purpose of this course is to help each student identify, understand and develop the fundamental skills of church administration and leadership in a Christian setting.



The principles and practice of crafting and delivering a biblical sermon will be outlined and demonstrated.



The Biblical mandates and principles governing the task of the church in edifying and equipping the saints for service; home and hospital visitation; worship; and church ceremonies.

Bachelor of pastoral counseling


MAM689 – Ministering in the Prophetic
This course will teach the student to function in the supernatural, Know God’s voice and distinguish it from other voices in the world, summarize what is taught in the Bible regarding Holy Spirit baptism and spiritual gifts, define and distinguish between the prophetic spirit, the prophetic gift, and the prophetic office, summarize the purposes of prophecy, explain how the prophetic anointing is activated, receive a prophetic word from God, deliver a prophetic word from God, judge prophecies on the basis of scriptural principles, engage in prophetic worship, avoid prophetic pitfalls, explain how to grow in the prophetic ministry, Pass on the mantle of the prophetic anointing to others.


MAM688 – Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry
This course sets the stage for an urgent call to the body of Christ to rise up and reclaim the mantle of the prophets in these critical times. The course draws a parallel between the “sons of the prophets” in Elijah’s day and the believers of today, who are called to walk in the same anointing and power to confront the growing darkness in the world.


BAB222 – Holy Spirit
This course will explore the work of the Person of the Spirit.  It is an important area of study as the work of the Spirit is vital. He is active in every area of creation and redemption. In salvation, He indwells His Church, bringing the blessings of Christ to His own. It is also a controversial area of study, as people focus solely on the spiritual gifts.


BITH100 – Introduction To The Bible
This course traces the history of the Bible and includes discussions of inspiration, the biblical canon, major manuscripts, textual criticism, early translations, and modern versions.


BITH101 – Understanding The Old Testament
A survey of the Old Testament. Emphasis is placed on the major themes, key scriptures, and major personalities of each book. Historical and literary backgrounds of the books are covered.


BITH102 – Understanding The New Testament
An introduction to the New Testament that examines major themes, broad divisions, key scriptures, major personalities, and the structure and context of each book. Literary and historical backgrounds are also examined.


BITH104 – Praying With Power
This course aims at inspiring students; giving them the courage to pray for the impossible and helping them find the persistence to see their prayers to completion.


BITH305 – Systematic Theology I
This course is an overview of the theological areas of prolegomena, revelation, theology proper, anthropology, and Christology.


BITH306 – Systematic Theology II
This is an overview of the theological areas of anthropology, Christology, and pneumatology.


BITH401 – Systematic Theology III
This course is an overview of the theological areas of soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology.


BITH307 – Church History I
This course is an overview of how the Church’s doctrine, faith, and practice developed from Pentecost to the time of the Protestant Reformation.


BITH309 – Spiritual Warfare
This course moves participants beyond the natural world into the realm of the Spirit. Tactics of the enemy are analyzed and strategies of spiritual warfare assuring victory over the principalities and powers of the spirit world are explained. Guidelines for receiving and ministering healing will also be covered.


BICM310 Divine Healing
This course is designed to help students gain greater confidence and competence in the actual practice of those ministry skills that will be needed in the student’s anticipated ministry role. Mentoring is provided through both individual meetings with an experienced practitioner and peer ministry reflection groups.


CF506 – The Names of the Holy Spirit
To really know God, you must get to know Him by name. The names of God in Scripture are really a self-revelation of God in His nature and attributes. The sheer number of such names and titles in Scripture suggests something of the immensity of God. The Bible identifies more than 700 descriptive names and titles of Jesus Christ. This study will help the student to get to know Jesus Christ more fully by studying several of His key names and titles.


CF514 – Strategic Spiritual Warfare
This course will dispel one lie of the enemy right up front. You are not alone in your struggles. The entire record of God’s Word, the Bible, describes men and women who faced difficult battles of life. The student will be given the tools to live a victorious life.


CF504 – How We Got Our Bible
Most Christians understand that the Bible they hold in their hands is the inspired Word of God. Yet very few have a general understanding of the origin of the Bible. The purpose of this class, therefore, is to show the student how the Bible came to be and why it can be accepted as the unerring, authoritative Word of God.


BNT300 – Acts
The book of Acts, also referred to as the “Acts of the Apostles” or the “Acts of the Holy Spirit”, presents the exciting story of the beginning of the church. Through a rigorous exposition of the book of Acts, students gain a greater understanding and appreciation of the early disciples’ commitment to the fulfillment of the Great Commission.


BINT302 – Epistle of Paul I
This course is a study of the ministry and teachings of the Apostle Paul as recorded in the Pauline Epistles. The life setting of each letter is related to Paul’s journeys described in the book of Acts. Special attention is given to the major theological themes of the epistles. Part I covers the Book of Galatians through II Thessalonians.


BITH203 – The Gospels
This course will review the historical Background of the Gospels, the message of the four Gospels, and the Life and ministry of Christ.


BICM109 – Preparing For Christian Ministry
This course will help students discover their calling and inspire them to place their God given gifts at the Lord’s disposal. Principles of biblical vision and spiritual leadership are covered so as to help students become powerful servants of the Almighty.

Bachelor of Christian Education


BITH100 – Introduction To The Bible
This course traces the history of the Bible and includes discussions of inspiration, the biblical canon, major manuscripts, textual criticism, early translations, and modern versions.


BITH104 – Praying With Power
This course aims at inspiring students; giving them the courage to pray for the impossible and helping them find the persistence to see their prayers to completion.


MIS340 – Comparative Religions

Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices, themes, and impacts (including migration) of the world’s religions.


BITH600 – Apologetics

In this course, students compare biblical, historical, and recent approaches to defending faith in God, Christ, and Scripture.


BITH101 – Understanding The Old Testament
A survey of the Old Testament. Emphasis is placed on the major themes, key scriptures, and major personalities of each book. Historical and literary backgrounds of the books are covered.


BITH102 – Understanding The New Testament
An introduction to the New Testament that examines major themes, broad divisions, key scriptures, major personalities, and the structure and context of each book. Literary and historical backgrounds are also examined.


BNT106 – Bible Doctrines

This series of lessons is designed especially for the student to establish themselves upon a spiritual foundation. It is so that you would grow into a complete and perfect man or woman in Christ Jesus, unmovable, steadfast, and always abounding in the work of the Lord.


BITH305 – Systematic Theology I
This course is an overview of the theological areas of prolegomena, revelation, theology proper, anthropology, and Christology.


BITH306 – Systematic Theology II
This is an overview of the theological areas of anthropology, Christology, and pneumatology.


BITH401 – Systematic Theology III
This course is an overview of the theological areas of soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology.


BITH307 – Church History I
This course is an overview of how the Church’s doctrine, faith, and practice developed from Pentecost to the time of the Protestant Reformation.


BNT215 – General Epistles

The course provides a close reading of James, I Peter, II Peter, I John, II John, III, and Jude with special attention given to literary, socio-historical and theological understandings of the epistles.


CED211 – Intro to Christian Education

This course provides the student with biblical, historical, and theological foundations of Christian education. The student will be led to explore principles for an effective implementation of education programs in the local church.


BPA260 – Awareness of Church Government

When people want to start a church, they sometimes run around to see how this church is set up, or how that church is set up. We should go to the Word of God to find out how God wants His Church to be established. This course looks at the many offices, practices and legal standing.


BITH103 – Summary Of Christian Doctrine

This course stresses the importance of a proper spiritual foundation for life and ministry by providing an overview of Bible doctrines identified in Hebrews 6:1: Repentance, faith, baptism, laying of hands, resurrection, and eternal judgment.


CF504 – How We Got Our Bible
Most Christians understand that the Bible they hold in their hands is the inspired Word of God. Yet very few have a general understanding of the origin of the Bible. The purpose of this class, therefore, is to show the student how the Bible came to be and why it can be accepted as the unerring, authoritative Word of God.


BNT110 – Between the Testaments

The New Testament begins with the Romans ruling Palestine. The throne is occupied by an Idumaean king named Herod. At the end of the Old Testament, the Persian Empire ruled Palestine. The throne of Israel was occupied by a Jewish king named Zerubbabel. The time between the Old Testament and New Testaments is about four hundred (400) years, 445 B.C. to 4 B.C. These four hundred (400) years can be divided into four (4) groups, known as the Persian Period, the Greek Period, the Maccabean Period, and the Roman Period.


CF515 – Soteriology

Soteriology is the study of the doctrine of salvation. Soteriology discusses how Christ’s death secures the salvation of those who believe. The student will learn the meaning of the doctrines of redemption, justification, sanctification, propitiation, and the substitutionary atonement.


BITH208 – Fundamentals Of Biblical Exegesis

This course teaches students how to carefully read Scripture in the biblical context, and to dig deeper into the Word of God so they will be able to understand the Bible correctly and apply its meaning to their lives and ministries.


BICM109 – Preparing For Christian Ministry
This course will help students discover their calling and inspire them to place their God given gifts at the Lord’s disposal. Principles of biblical vision and spiritual leadership are covered so as to help students become powerful servants of the Almighty.

Bachelor of Arts in Christian Leadership


BITH100 – Introduction To The Bible
This course traces the history of the Bible and includes discussions of inspiration, the biblical canon, major manuscripts, textual criticism, early translations, and modern versions.


BITH101 – Understanding The Old Testament
A survey of the Old Testament. Emphasis is placed on the major themes, key scriptures, and major personalities of each book. Historical and literary backgrounds of the books are covered.


BITH102 – Understanding The New Testament
An introduction to the New Testament that examines major themes, broad divisions, key scriptures, major personalities, and the structure and context of each book. Literary and historical backgrounds are also examined.


BITH104 – Praying With Power
This course aims at inspiring students; giving them the courage to pray for the impossible and helping them find the persistence to see their prayers to completion.


BITH305 – Systematic Theology I
This course is an overview of the theological areas of prolegomena, revelation, theology proper, anthropology, and Christology.


BITH306 – Systematic Theology II
This is an overview of the theological areas of anthropology, Christology, and pneumatology.


BITH401 – Systematic Theology III
This course is an overview of the theological areas of soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology.


BICM109 – Preparing For Christian Ministry

This course will help students discover their calling and inspire them to place their God given gifts at the Lord’s disposal. Principles of biblical vision and spiritual leadership are covered so as to help students become powerful servants of the Almighty.


CF504 – How We Got Our Bible

Most Christians understand that the Bible they hold in their hands is the inspired Word of God. Yet very few have a general understanding of the origin of the Bible. The purpose of this class, therefore, is to show the student how the Bible came to be and why it can be accepted as the unerring, authoritative Word of God.


MIN 327 – Church Administration Finance and Law

This volume is an introductory study of many principles, procedures, and techniques used in today’s business world as they apply to the local church and its leadership. Attention is given to organizing and staffing functions of the church, practical methods of raising money for the church’s expenses, keeping good records, and managing the church’s money, facilities, and equipment. It also gives students a practical understanding of the law in order to recognize and resolve legal questions confronting pastors and churches today.


MAM587 – A Leadership Workshop

This leadership outline is designed to help identify some of the most basic principles of church leadership.  These characteristics should be found in all churches, but unfortunately, many of our church leaders lack true leadership skills.  The lack of true leadership prevents the church from moving forward. 


CF590 – Church Leadership 101

This class will help the leader understand what you do and help you be a better, more effective, more understanding and stronger leader.


BPA232 – God’s Authority in the Believer

The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a better grasp on who they are as a Believer. It is also to show that Jesus, unto whom all authority is given by God the Father and His Divine Nature, is then given unto us. Our authority is in Christ.


CF310 – Mobilization Methodologies

This course presents methods (a clearly defined way) of mobilizing believers (channeling their abilities for action) to achieve the vision of worldwide spiritual harvest


CF590 – Church Leadership 101

This class will help the leader understand what you do and help you be a better, more effective, more understanding and stronger leader.


CED111 – Life Management God’s Way

Every decision we make has an outcome. The decisions we make, not our environment, will determine and shape our destiny. There are thousands of testimonies of men and women who have succeeded in life despite their limitations, poor environment and disadvantages. There are those who have become failures in life in spite of all the advantages they had. This course will the student how to make decisions that will change their lives.


BPA360 – Ethics and Excellence

Ethics is a set of principles which speak of human character and conduct, of distinction between right and wrong and moral duty and obligation to the community. The principles we have set for ourselves are going to dictate our reaction to every situation that arises, be it at church, on the job, at home with the family, or in a strange place. This course will approach ethics on a scriptural basis.  It will not be too concerned with secular ethics, either traditional or contemporary, except as they relate to Biblical ethics.


MIN 281 – Conflict Management for Church Leaders

Conflict Management for Church Leaders gives a biblical approach to conflict resolution. This course offers a scriptural way to deal with the inevitable occasions when conflict arises, particularly in a church setting. It offers practical principles for resolving the conflict in a manner that is pleasing to God.


CF300 – Divine Provision
This book, “Divine Provision,” will prepare you personally and your ministry corporately to face what is happening now and what will occur in the future in the financial realm. Your position in the face of the current and impending crises will not be one of weakness, but it will be a stance of strength, faith, and power, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).


BPA120 – Praise Life

This course describes the elements necessary for us to obtain joy and strength in our lives; yes, it even holds us in the very Presence of God and His glory. It is called praise. Praise is much more than celebrating, or a prelude to worship on Sunday morning. Praise can, and should, become a lifestyle for the Believer who is serious about becoming a soldier of God, a person who is “kingdom on earth” useful.

Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ethics and Marketing


BITH100 – Introduction To The Bible
This course traces the history of the Bible and includes discussions of inspiration, the biblical canon, major manuscripts, textual criticism, early translations, and modern versions.


BITH101 – Understanding The Old Testament
A survey of the Old Testament. Emphasis is placed on the major themes, key scriptures, and major personalities of each book. Historical and literary backgrounds of the books are covered.


BITH102 – Understanding The New Testament
An introduction to the New Testament that examines major themes, broad divisions, key scriptures, major personalities, and the structure and context of each book. Literary and historical backgrounds are also examined.


BITH104 – Praying With Power
This course aims at inspiring students; giving them the courage to pray for the impossible and helping them find the persistence to see their prayers to completion.


BITH305 – Systematic Theology I
This course is an overview of the theological areas of prolegomena, revelation, theology proper, anthropology, and Christology.


BITH306 – Systematic Theology II
This is an overview of the theological areas of anthropology, Christology, and pneumatology.


BITH401 – Systematic Theology III
This course is an overview of the theological areas of soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology.


BICM109 – Preparing For Christian Ministry

This course will help students discover their calling and inspire them to place their God given gifts at the Lord’s disposal. Principles of biblical vision and spiritual leadership are covered so as to help students become powerful servants of the Almighty.


CF504 – How We Got Our Bible

Most Christians understand that the Bible they hold in their hands is the inspired Word of God. Yet very few have a general understanding of the origin of the Bible. The purpose of this class, therefore, is to show the student how the Bible came to be and why it can be accepted as the unerring, authoritative Word of God.


BPA240 – Preparation for Ministry I

This word armorbearer is something virtually unknown to the Body of Christ. God is stirring up men today to be called to be the position of armorbearers to the church leaders. The student will learn what is an armorbearer and what does he do?


BPA250 – Preparation for Ministry II

God sometimes asks us to do something with which we argue. Obedience to God at first would make it easier on us. He knows what He is doing and we do not. This course looks at the Ministry of Helps and the Motivational Gifts.


BPA232 – God’s Authority in the Believer

The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a better grasp on who they are as a Believer. It is also to show that Jesus, unto whom all authority is given by God the Father and His Divine Nature, is then given unto us. Our authority is in Christ.


CF301 – Management by Objectives

“Management By Objectives” is a method for conducting Christian ministry in an orderly, effective manner. It is not enough to just know God’s will for your life and ministry. You must make definite plans to fulfill your spiritual calling. You must learn to work with God to fulfill His purpose and plans.


CF310 – Mobilization Methodologies

This course presents methods (a clearly defined way) of mobilizing believers (channeling their abilities for action) to achieve the vision of worldwide spiritual harvest


BPA120 – Praise Life

This course describes the elements necessary for us to obtain joy and strength in our lives; yes, it even holds us in the very Presence of God and His glory. It is called praise. Praise is much more than celebrating, or a prelude to worship on Sunday morning. Praise can, and should, become a lifestyle for the Believer who is serious about becoming a soldier of God, a person who is “kingdom on earth” useful.


CED111 – Life Management God’s Way

Every decision we make has an outcome. The decisions we make, not our environment, will determine and shape our destiny. There are thousands of testimonies of men and women who have succeeded in life despite their limitations, poor environment and disadvantages. There are those who have become failures in life in spite of all the advantages they had. This course will the student how to make decisions that will change their lives.


BPA360 – Ethics and Excellence

Ethics is a set of principles which speak of human character and conduct, of distinction between right and wrong and moral duty and obligation to the community. The principles we have set for ourselves are going to dictate our reaction to every situation that arises, be it at church, on the job, at home with the family, or in a strange place. This course will approach ethics on a scriptural basis.  It will not be too concerned with secular ethics, either traditional or contemporary, except as they relate to Biblical ethics.


MIN 281 – Conflict Management for Church Leaders

Conflict Management for Church Leaders gives a biblical approach to conflict resolution. This course offers a scriptural way to deal with the inevitable occasions when conflict arises, particularly in a church setting. It offers practical principles for resolving the conflict in a manner that is pleasing to God.


MAM587 – A Leadership Workshop

This leadership outline is designed to help identify some of the most basic principles of church leadership.  These characteristics should be found in all churches, but unfortunately, many of our church leaders lack true leadership skills.  The lack of true leadership prevents the church from moving forward. 


BICM207 – New Testament Ecclesiology

This course is an introduction to biblical ecclesiology. The student is exposed to the nature and governance of the church according to the Bible.



BITH502 – The Gospels/The Life of Christ 

A chronological and synthetic study of the Gospels’ accounts of Christ’s birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension.


BITH504 – Old Testament Theology I

The Old Testament books of Genesis-Kings are analyzed. The theological themes of these books are identified and traced throughout the Bible.


BITH505 – Old Testament Theology II

Latter Prophets & Writings The Old Testament books of Job-Malachi are analyzed. The theological themes of these books are identified and traced throughout the Bible.


BITH506 – Basic Hebrew

Essentials of biblical Hebrew grammar: orthography, morphophonemics, vocabulary; historical developments; readings and exercises.


BITH536 – Introduction to Missions

“Missio Dei” is the idea that God is actively working to reconcile His creation to Himself through Jesus Christ. This course presents an overview of the theology of missions, as well as current trends in missions.


BITH551 – Biblical Interpretation

The aim of this course is to develop a working knowledge of the basic skills of biblical interpretation. Students will be introduced to the various skills needed to work with the different types of literature, or genre, found in the Bible as well as matters of context and content. The goal of this course is to help students to become skilled, life-long exegetes of God’s Word.


BITH575 – Comparative Religions

Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices, themes, and impacts (including migration) of the world’s religions.


BITH576 – Christian Ethics and Excellence

This course will approach ethics on a scriptural basis.  It will not be too concerned with secular ethics, either traditional or contemporary, except as they relate to Biblical ethics.

9BITH599 – Thesis (6 Credits)6

BITH600 – Apologetics

In this course, students compare biblical, historical, and recent approaches to defending faith in God, Christ, and Scripture.


BITH630 – Church History I – From Pentecost to Reformation

In this course, students discover how the Church’s doctrine, faith, and practice developed from Pentecost to the time of the Protestant Reformation.


BITH507 – Hebrew Exegesis (The Book of Isaiah) 

In addition to surveying the contents of the book, the course develops the understanding and skills of exegetical exposition.


BITH536 – Introduction to Missions

“Missio Dei” is the idea that God is actively working to reconcile His creation to Himself through Jesus Christ. This course presents an overview of the theology of missions, as well as current trends in missions.


BITH537 – Church Planting

Biblical and historical perspectives on church planting; starting new churches in the age of the Internet; steps and procedures for establishing a mission and developing it into an organized church; practical methods and techniques used in church planting


BITH571 – Systematic Theology 1

A systematic study of Christian theology with special attention given to bibliology and theology properly.


BITH575 – Comparative Religions

Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices, themes, and impacts (including migration) of the world’s religions.


BITH576 – Christian Ethics and Excellence

This course will approach ethics on a scriptural basis.  It will not be too concerned with secular ethics, either traditional or contemporary, except as they relate to Biblical ethics.


BITH590 – Introduction to Biblical Counseling

The nature and principles of biblical counseling, techniques and theories of counseling; patterns of problem solving, the counselor and counselee relationship; the sufficiency of Scripture; and biblical conflict resolution.

8BITH599 – Thesis (6 Credits)6

BITH600 – Apologetics

In this course, students compare biblical, historical, and recent approaches to defending faith in God, Christ, and Scripture.


BITH551 – Biblical Interpretation

The aim of this course is to develop a working knowledge of the basic skills of biblical interpretation. Students will be introduced to the various skills needed to work with the different types of literature, or genre, found in the Bible as well as matters of context and content. The goal of this course is to help students to become skilled, life-long exegetes of God’s Word.


BITH630 – Church History I – From Pentecost to Reformation

In this course, students discover how the Church’s doctrine, faith, and practice developed from Pentecost to the time of the Protestant Reformation.


BITH504 – Old Testament Theology I

The Old Testament books of Genesis-Kings are analyzed. The theological themes of these books are identified and traced throughout the Bible.


BITH505 – Old Testament Theology II

Latter Prophets & Writings The Old Testament books of Job-Malachi are analyzed. The theological themes of these books are identified and traced throughout the Bible.


BITH506 – Basic Hebrew

Essentials of biblical Hebrew grammar: orthography, morphophonemics, vocabulary; historical developments; readings and exercises.


BITH571 – Systematic Theology 1

A systematic study of Christian theology with special attention given to bibliology and theology properly.


BITH572 – Systematic Theology II

This course is an overview of the theological areas of prolegomena, revelation, theology proper, anthropology, and Christology.


CH631 – The History of the Church Since the Reformation

In this course, students survey the development of the Christian church’s doctrine, faith, and practice from the Protestant Reformation to the present.


BITH575 – Comparative Religions

Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices, themes, and impacts (including migration) of the world’s religions.

8BITH 599  – Thesis (6 Credits)     6

BITH601 – Contemporary Theology I 

This course introduces students to the major movements and thinkers, theologians and philosophers in the Christian tradition since the eighteenth-century Enlightenment, together with an examination of their philosophical backgrounds. Part I: Barth through Tillich. Part II: Vatican II to postmoderm theologies.


BITH602 – Contemporary Theology II  

This course introduces students to the major movements and thinkers, theologians and philosophers in the Christian tradition since the eighteenth-century Enlightenment, together with an examination of their philosophical backgrounds. Part I: Barth through Tillich. Part II: Vatican II to postmoderm theologies.


BITH551 – Biblical Interpretation

The aim of this course is to develop a working knowledge of the basic skills of biblical interpretation. Students will be introduced to the various skills needed to work with the different types of literature, or genre, found in the Bible as well as matters of context and content. The goal of this course is to help students to become skilled, life-long exegetes of God’s Word.

Master of Pastoral Counseling


BITH600 – Apologetics

In this course, students compare biblical, historical, and recent approaches to defending faith in God, Christ, and Scripture.


BITH502 – The Gospels/The Life of Christ

A chronological and synthetic study of the Gospels’ accounts of Christ’s birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension.


BITH575 – Comparative Religions

Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices, themes, and impacts (including migration) of the world’s religions.


BITH576 – Christian Ethics and Excellence

This course will approach ethics on a scriptural basis. It will not be too concerned with secular ethics, either traditional or contemporary, except as they relate to Biblical ethics.


BITH601 Contemporary Theology I

The course explores the theologies of Hegel, Kierkegaard, Barth, Bultmann, and Tillich.


BITH536 – Introduction to Missions

“Missio Dei” is the idea that God is actively working to reconcile His creation to Himself through Jesus Christ. This course presents an overview of the theology of missions, as well as current trends in missions.


BITH599 – Thesis


MAM665 – Foundations for Soul Care – A Christian Psychology Proposal

This course makes a vital contribution to Christian counseling by critically evaluating the dominant paradigms in the field, particularly biblical counseling and integration. This course seeks to move beyond the current impasse by developing a more unified and robustly Christian approach to the care of souls.


MAM660 – Counseling and Christianity – Five Approaches

This course explores how five major perspectives on the interface of Christianity and psychology would be applied in a clinical setting. The perspectives covered include the Levels-of-Explanation Approach, the Integration Approach, the Christian Psychology Approach, the Transformational Approach, and the Biblical Counseling Approach.


BAM675 – Pastoral Counseling

This course examines pastoral ministry in three areas: preparation, responsibilities, and relationships. The unit on preparation focuses on a pastor’s qualifications, devotional life, and personal life. A unit on responsibilities analyzes preaching and teaching, worship, pastoral care, leading, training, forming cell groups, and special services is also included. The final unit examines a pastor’s relationships with lay leaders, staff, work, and calling. This is a principle-centered study to lay a lifelong foundation for the pastoral ministry.

Master of Christian Counseling


BITH600 – Apologetics

In this course, students compare biblical, historical, and recent approaches to defending faith in God, Christ, and Scripture.


BITH502 – The Gospels/The Life of Christ

A chronological and synthetic study of the Gospels’ accounts of Christ’s birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension.


BITH575 – Comparative Religions

Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices, themes, and impacts (including migration) of the world’s religions.


BITH576 – Christian Ethics and Excellence

This course will approach ethics on a scriptural basis. It will not be too concerned with secular ethics, either traditional or contemporary, except as they relate to Biblical ethics.


BITH601 Contemporary Theology I

The course explores the theologies of Hegel, Kierkegaard, Barth, Bultmann, and Tillich.


BITH536 – Introduction to Missions

“Missio Dei” is the idea that God is actively working to reconcile His creation to Himself through Jesus Christ. This course presents an overview of the theology of missions, as well as current trends in missions.


BITH599 – Thesis


BITH590 – Introduction to Biblical Counseling

The nature and principles of biblical counseling as opposed to humanistic approaches; techniques and theories of counseling; patterns of problem solving; the counselor and counselee relationship; the sufficiency of Scripture.


MAM617 – Introduction to Christian Counseling

This course provides students with an introduction to a theological and psychological model of humans that can guide our understanding of how people develop in either healthy or unhealthy ways. A model of the counseling process that that will guide them in helping people grow, change and practice in basic therapeutic skills


DCC660 – Counseling and Christianity – Five Approaches

This course explores how five major perspectives on the interface of Christianity and psychology would each actually be applied in a clinical setting. These Five Views include the Levels-of-Explanation Approach, the Integration Approach, the Christian Psychology Approach, the Transformational Approach and the Biblical Counseling Approach.

Master of Arts in Christian Leadership


BITH600 – Apologetics

In this course, students compare biblical, historical, and recent approaches to defending faith in God, Christ, and Scripture.


BITH502 – The Gospels/The Life of Christ

A chronological and synthetic study of the Gospels’ accounts of Christ’s birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension.


BITH575 – Comparative Religions

Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices, themes, and impacts (including migration) of the world’s religions.


BITH576 – Christian Ethics and Excellence

This course will approach ethics on a scriptural basis. It will not be too concerned with secular ethics, either traditional or contemporary, except as they relate to Biblical ethics.


BITH601 Contemporary Theology I

The course explores the theologies of Hegel, Kierkegaard, Barth, Bultmann, and Tillich.


MIN717 – Worship Part 1

This course serves as a primer on biblical worship, providing instruction and inspiration for both new believers and seasoned Christians. The overarching goal is to equip participants with a deeper understanding of what it means to worship God in spirit and in truth, preparing them for the eternal worship they will engage in with the Lord. Worship is best learned through the act of worshipping itself, and that is the primary purpose of this study.


BITH599 – Thesis


MAM862 – Leadership Development

This course will cover the practical ministry topic of Leadership Development, with a focus on accountable discipleship.  The class is taught in 8 lessons.  The approach of the class material is to look first at the fruit that the average Christian should bear, and then secondly, how to train leaders who will equip the average Christian to bear such fruit.


MAM587 – A Leadership Workshop

This leadership outline is designed to help identify some of the most basic principles of church leadership.  These characteristics should be found in all churches, but unfortunately, many of our church leaders lack true leadership skills.  The lack of true leadership prevents the church from moving forward. 


MAM779 – Effective Leadership

This course will guide you to a greater understanding of the nature of leadership and the principles you can apply to grow as a leader. Such principles become the tools a leader needs to provide effective leadership for the local church. It has been wisely noted that everything rises and falls on leadership. While programs and activities can keep people active and good preaching can maintain their interest, it is leadership that establishes growth, both in the individual and in the church itself. Simply put, church leaders must truly learn how to be effective leaders.

Master of Arts in Prophetic Ministry


BITH600 – Apologetics

In this course, students compare biblical, historical, and recent approaches to defending faith in God, Christ, and Scripture.


BITH502 – The Gospels/The Life of Christ

A chronological and synthetic study of the Gospels’ accounts of Christ’s birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension.


BITH575 – Comparative Religions

Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices, themes, and impacts (including migration) of the world’s religions.


BITH576 – Christian Ethics and Excellence

This course will approach ethics on a scriptural basis. It will not be too concerned with secular ethics, either traditional or contemporary, except as they relate to Biblical ethics.


BITH601 Contemporary Theology I

The course explores the theologies of Hegel, Kierkegaard, Barth, Bultmann, and Tillich.


BITH536 – Introduction to Missions

“Missio Dei” is the idea that God is actively working to reconcile His creation to Himself through Jesus Christ. This course presents an overview of the theology of missions, as well as current trends in missions.


BITH599 – Thesis


MAM688 – Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry

This course presents an urgent call for the body of Christ to rise up and reclaim the mantle of the prophets in these critical times. Drawing a parallel between the “sons of the prophets” in Elijah’s day and the believers of today, the curriculum emphasizes the need for the church to walk in the same anointing and power demonstrated by the biblical prophets.

The course highlights the stark contrast between the miracles, demonstrations of power, and supernatural works seen throughout the Bible, and the current state of the church, which often struggles to match the transformative impact of Jesus and the early disciples.


MAM689 – Ministering in the Prophetic

This course will teach the student to function in the supernatural, Know God’s voice and distinguish it from other voices in the world, summarize what is taught in the Bible regarding Holy Spirit baptism and spiritual gifts, define and distinguish between the prophetic spirit, the prophetic gift, and the prophetic office, summarize the purposes of prophecy, explain how the prophetic anointing is activated, receive a prophetic word from God, deliver a prophetic word from God, judge prophecies on the basis of scriptural principles, engage in prophetic worship, avoid prophetic pitfalls, explain how to grow in the prophetic ministry, Pass on the mantle of the prophetic anointing to others.


MAM650 – Prophetic Manual – For Today’s and Tomorrow’s Prophets

This comprehensive manual establishes a thorough biblical basis for the prophetic ministry, equipping those with the gift of prophecy to effectively serve as the voice of God on earth. The course material develops a multifaceted understanding of revelation, activation, and direct experience within the prophetic realm.

Master of Arts in Theology


BITH600 – Apologetics

In this course, students compare biblical, historical, and recent approaches to defending faith in God, Christ, and Scripture.


BITH502 – The Gospels/The Life of Christ

A chronological and synthetic study of the Gospels’ accounts of Christ’s birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension.


BITH575 – Comparative Religions

Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices, themes, and impacts (including migration) of the world’s religions.


BITH576 – Christian Ethics and Excellence

This course will approach ethics on a scriptural basis. It will not be too concerned with secular ethics, either traditional or contemporary, except as they relate to Biblical ethics.


BITH601 Contemporary Theology I

The course explores the theologies of Hegel, Kierkegaard, Barth, Bultmann, and Tillich.


BITH536 – Introduction to Missions

“Missio Dei” is the idea that God is actively working to reconcile His creation to Himself through Jesus Christ. This course presents an overview of the theology of missions, as well as current trends in missions.


BITH599 – Thesis


BITH572 – Systematic Theology II

This course is an overview of the theological areas of prolegomena, revelation, theology proper, anthropology, and Christology.


MAT623 – Covenant Theology

The purpose of this course is to help students understand the Scriptures, to see the blessings that God has prepared for all those in Christ in the New Covenant. Covenant theology is the most fundamental course that can be studied in any Bible curriculum, touching areas of biblical theology, Systematic theology, and hermeneutics.


BITH602 – Contemporary Theology II

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to: Know the major trends in contemporary theologies, understand the presuppositions (philosophical and otherwise) that generate such modern theologies. Recognize and defend against such views, better comprehend orthodox positions through analysis of errant views.

Doctoral DEGREE


THD890- Introduction to Theological Research

This course will provide students with the tools for doctoral level research and opportunities for reflection on becoming scholar-pastor. Students are introduced to the conduct and reporting of scholarly theological research.

26 credit hours of Seminar: Theology: Oral and written presentation6
324 credit hours of dissertation24

BTH121 – Systematic Theology I

Systematic Theology is the spiritual study of the God who, through His overwhelming love, has a desire for a family. His nature of unity, as a result, has brought about all of creation as the perfect environment for the agape relationship with the children of His family. The intent of this course is to help the student become more familiar with Almighty God.


BTH221 -Systematic Theology II

The Bible is as specific as God obviously chooses to be about the origin or creation of the universe. Apparently God desires that man’s understanding about his beginning in the earth be understood spiritually rather than with point by point natural and physical explanation. Systematic Theology II is the spiritual study of Man, Christ, Angels and Demons.


BTH343- Systematic Theology III

This course is an overview of the theological areas of Hamartiology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, Eschatology.


BTH454 – Systematic Theology IV

This course is an overview of the theological areas of the Holy Spirit and Healing.


MAB061 – Pauline Theology 1

This course will explain Paul’s theological grid, to show students Paul’s methods so they can better understand his teaching when reading his letters. It will simplify the process of reading and understanding Paul to be able to preach and teach Paul to others.


MAB062 – Pauline Theology 2

This course is intended to explain Paul’s theological grid, to show students Paul’s methods so they can better understand his teaching when reading his letters. It will simplify the process of reading and understanding Paul to be able to preach and teach Paul to others.


MAB811 – Hermeneutics

The purpose of this course is to help students read the Bible with increased clarity and understanding. The Scriptures Are God’s Word to us, to His Church, and to all men. They demand our respect and attention. The Scriptures are a unique combining of both human and divine authors.  God’s Word is unique; there is no other book like it. Also, as it was written by men, inspired by the Spirit, it follows the personality, culture, and literary rules of the time in which it was written.


MAM311 – Pastoral Principles Practice

The purpose of this course is for the students to grow in their knowledge of the Scriptural warrant for the Pastoral office and Ministry within the Church.  Drawing from the whole of Scripture, but focusing on the teaching of the Apostle Paul the course aims to furnish the students with a comprehensive overview of the principles and practice of Pastoral Ministry.


MAM509 – Leadership Development

This course will cover the practical ministry topic of Leadership Development, with a focus on accountable discipleship.  The class is taught in 8 lessons.  The approach of the class material is to look first at the fruit that the average Christian should bear, and then secondly, how to train leaders who will equip the average Christian to bear such fruit.


MAT221 – The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

The purpose of this course is to define the work of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. A sub point would be the question, “Are there any differences between the work of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments? If there are differences, to what degree?”


MAT623 – Covenant Theology

The purpose of this course is to help students understand the Scriptures, to see the blessings that God has prepared for all those in Christ in the New Covenant. Covenant theology is the most fundamental course that can be studied in any Bible curriculum, touching areas of biblical theology, Systematic theology, and hermeneutics.


MAT711 – The Coming of the Kingdom

This course, consisting of eight lessons, is intended to enable the student to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the New Testament Gospels, especially as they announce the coming of the kingdom of God.


MAT810 – Apologetics

This course is written to prepare students to give a bold and biblical defense of the Christian hope. It is an aid to the work of evangelism and mission. It is my prayer that it will better equip them to bring every thought captive to Christ, to pull down the strongholds of Satan and to present the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

146 credit hours of dissertation6


1MFCA621 – How to Incorporate Church & Ministry with Tax ID 
More than ever, establishing your church or ministry as an ecclesiastical corporation is of absolute importance. This course includes strategic language that protects your church or ministry from outside intrusion caused by many of today’s public policy laws. Remember, incorporating a church using state forms is easy, but incorporating a church with the language necessary to propel it forward requires a well thought out set of principles and experience. This course helps to lay a foundation that creates an ecclesiastical corporation best suited for church and ministries that wish to be governed according to their hearts’ convictions, as found in the Holy Scriptures.
3 Credits
2MFCA622 – How to Write Bylaws
The Bylaws establish a structured government, ensuring that control of the organization stays out of the state’s hands. This course contains all of the necessary provisions, up-to-date changes in nonprofit law, and a diverse set of samples that are packed with Scripture. The articles of incorporation and bylaws are controlling documents that direct how your church is to be operated. Just like our country has a Constitution, and all laws passed by Congress and signed by the President must not violate the Constitution, the acts and decisions of the church management must follow the articles of incorporation and bylaws.
3 Credits
3MFCA623 – How to Ordain Ministers Through Your Church
Becoming a licensed or ordained minister is not a trivial matter. It represents the setting apart of an individual for ministry, but how does one become legally licensed or ordained within the laws that govern our society? This course teaches you everything you need to know about properly establishing a licensing and ordination program within your church.
3 Credits
4MFCA624 – How to have the Ultimate Church Structure
This course is the catalyst that puts the Ultimate Church Structure to work for you! Bringing together the most powerful tools and resources needed to run your organizations at the next level, this course makes it easy to protect what God has given you to lead and provide you with the resources to help with areas like funding, growing your influence and protecting your church, making this one of the most essential tools in your church’s tool box.
3 Credits
5MFCA625 – How to Add a For Profit Arm to Your Ministry
Many pastors and ministry leaders have watched their dreams and visions for their church fade due to limited finances. This course will help pastors and ministry leaders overcome those financial struggles they face. This resource challenges and empowers ministry leaders to dream big and to move visions forward to fruition. Under Section 502 of the Internal Revenue Code, a ministry can establish a for-profit arm to earn tax-free income through donations and dividends. When established correctly, a for-profit arm can give you opportunities to empower your church or ministry to grow.
5 Credits
6MFCA626 – How to Start a Church Daycare
From policies and procedures to budgets and marketing, this course walks you through the entire process of establishing your childcare center. Feel confident that on the day you open the doors, every detail has been covered. Many daycares across the country is providing income during for Churches and many times it is greater than the tithes and offerings of the church. The daycare center has helped the church fulfill its vision by supplying it with the cash needed to take it to the next level.
5 Credits
7MFCA627 – How to Obtain 501(c)(3) Status
To be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, an organization must be organized and operated exclusively for exempt purposes set forth in section 501(c)(3), and none of its earnings may inure to any private shareholder or individual.  We have learned that the burden of proving that a church meets the requirements of section 501(c)(3) falls upon the donor. Having to prove to the IRS that your church is compliant with the requirements of section 501(c)(3) is a heavy burden for anyone, especially when your church has opted not to file and does not have a 501(c)(3) approval letter. In this instance, if a donor is unable to prove that your church does indeed meet the requirements of section 501(c)(3), then the IRS will most likely determine that their donations to your church are not tax-deductible.
6 Credits

Bible Knowledge Equivalency Exam

Bible Knowledge Equivalency Exam
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